Grim Ebola Prediction: Outbreak Is Unstoppable : Folks this has the potential to mutate into a major pandemic threat, I hope that it doesn’t, and don’t know that it will, but it sure looks like we are quickly, heading in that direction.
According to the author of the above linked to article it’s passed the point of our being able to control it, so what can we do? Prep but don’t panic…
Start by reading this article “Ebola – What You Need to Know” this one “Ebola by Joe Alton, M.D., aka Dr. Bones” and this one, “17 Things For Pandemic Survival that You Probably Forgot to Include in Your Medical Kit” and watch the video below…
Also check out:
15 Preparedness Uses for Kiddie Pools
Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.
Via: thesurvivalistblog
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