Monthly Archives: April 2014

“If A Space Super Storm Like The 2012 Storm Hits Earth We Will Be Picking Up The Pieces For Years”: NASA Warns

A new video from NASA’s science division highlights the fact that earth is one X-Class solar flare away from a situation that would completely alter life on earth as we know it today.

Such events have played out at various times in our history, with the most notable recent examples occurring in 1859 and 1989.

The 1859 ‘Carrington Event’ was so powerful that newspapers of the time reported communication lines showed visible surges and telegraph offices literally went up in flames.

The Great Geomagnetic Storm of 1989 was responsible for taking down Hydro-Québec’s electricity transmission system and reached as far down as Salem, Massachusetts. Pictured below is what one of the transformers looked like after the storm hit. What’s scary about the following image is that it was taken at the Salem Nuclear Powerplant and shows just how susceptible even our most protected facilities are to solar storms.

Solar storms are nothing new and scientists watch them via early warning satellites systems on an hourly basis. But even if a large solar discharge was identified, there’s not a whole lot we can do except brace for impact.

As we’ve reported previously, we came close, very close in the summer of 2012. Had the sun’s rotation been just a week ahead of where it was at the time there’s a strong chance you wouldn’t be reading this information. That’s because the flare was so powerful it would likely have fried the entire global electricity grid according to the NASA report below:

They [researchers] have concluded this was one of the strongest in recorded history. “If it had hit earth we would still be picking up the pieces,” says Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado.

This storm might have been stronger than the Carrington Event itself.

A similar storm today could have a catastrophic effect on modern power grids and telecommunication networks.

Multi-ton transformers fried by such a storm could take years to repair and impact national security.

Video via The Daily Sheeple:

Though our dependence on electricity is often taken for granted, the fact is that a downing of the grid would lead to serious and immediate repercussions across the globe. Without it transportation would come to a standstill, gas pumps wouldn’t work, cellular phone service would be inoperable, and any job requiring the use of a computer or an electrical outlet would be instantly made irrelevant.

Had it hit Earth, the July 2012 event likely would have created a technological disaster by short-circuiting satellites, power grids, ground communication equipment and even threatening the health of astronauts and aircraft crews.

( via SHTFplan)

It would be a technological disaster of unprecedented proportions. So much so that the Center for Security Policy estimates 90% of Americans would be dead within a year.

Former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett noted in the documentary Urban Danger that the problems are within the outdated national power grid. There are scores of transformers required to switch electricity from one place to another. Should those go down simultaneously there simply aren’t enough backup transformers available to repair those damaged by the storm and since we source this equipment from foreign countries like China it could be anywhere from 18 months to four years before the grid would start being restored.

We could have events in the future where the power grid will go down and it’s not, in any reasonable time, coming back up. For instance, if when the power grid went down some of our large transformers were destroyed, damaged beyond use, we don’t make any of those in this country. They’re made overseas and you order one and 18 months to two years later they will deliver it. Our power grid is very vulnerable. It’s very much on edge. Our military knows that.

There are a number of events that could create a situation in the cities where civil unrest would be a very high probability. And, I think that those who can, and those who understand, need to take advantage of the opportunity when these winds of strife are not blowing to move their families out of the city.

But is this just fear mongering or is there something to it?

How likely is it that we could be hit by a solar flare powerful enough to take down our grid?

Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Events happen on a daily basis. Most of them are benign and don’t rate high enough on the scale to affect anything except maybe radio communications. This year we’ve already experienced scores of the medium sized “M-Class” flares, as well as various low end “X-class” flares.

But the 1959, 1989 and 2012 events aren’t out of the ordinary either. In fact, in 2003 the sun delivered what researches call a “whopper.” A flare that, had it been facing earth, would have caused some serious damage, certainly on the order of the 2012 event.

Researchers from the University of Otago used radio wave-based measurements of the x-rays’ effects on the Earth’s upper atmosphere torevise the flare’s size from a merely huge X28 to a “whopping” X45, say researchers Neil Thomson, Craig Rodger, and Richard Dowden. X-class flares are major events that can trigger radio blackouts around the world and long-lasting radiation storms in the upper atmosphere that can damage or destroy satellites. The biggest previous solar flares on record were rated X20, on 2 April 2001 and 16 August 1989.

Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY), a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee recently suggested that the chance of a serious solar event on our planet is a certainty.

“The Likelihood of a severe geo-magnetic event capable of crippling our electric grid is 100%.”

Though the stars (and earth) would need to align in order for such an event to take place, history shows that it happens quite regularly in the grand scheme of things.

At the very least we would be facing weeks without power, perhaps on a national level. As depicted in the recent NatGeo documentary American Blackout, it wouldn’t take more than a few days for the entire system to collapse in on itself as grocery stores ran out of food, water utilities were unable to deliver potable water, and emergency response became non existent.

According to Tess Pennington, who provides useful preparedness tips for various emergency disasters scenarios including long-term power outages, the thin veneer of society would become apparent rather quickly.

When the needs of the population cannot be met in an allotted time frame, a phenomena occurs and the mindset shifts in people. They begin to act without thinking and respond to changes in their environment in an emotionally-based manner, thus leading to chaos, instability and a breakdown in our social paradigm.

Should we be struck by a high level X-class flare the effects will be felt within seconds.

If you happen to see a power surge, your cable/satellite TV no longer works and you can’t get your cell phone or car to turn on, then chances are that we’ve either been hit with an electro-magentic pulse weapon or the sun has sent a solar flare our way.

Either way, we’ll be in for a long and arduous recovery period that could span a decade or more.

Hattip The Daily Sheeple


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfplan

Saudi Arabia has 26 more cases of MERS virus, 10 dead

Saudi Arabia confirmed 26 more cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which has killed nearly a third of sufferers, and said 10 more people have died from the disease.

The confirmations follow Egypt’s announcement on Saturday that it had confirmed its first case of MERS in a man who had recently returned to the country from Riyadh, where he was working.

Saudi Arabia, where MERS was discovered around two years ago and which remains the country most affected, has now had 339 confirmed cases of MERS, of which 102 have been fatal.

The 143 cases announced since the start of April represent a 73 percent jump in total infections in Saudi Arabia this month.

The new cases were announced in two statements published on the Health Ministry website on Saturday and Sunday.

The 10 confirmed on Saturday included seven in Jeddah, the focal point for the recent outbreak, two in the capital Riyadh and another in Mecca. Two MERS patients died.

The 16 further cases confirmed on Sunday included two in Riyadh, eight in Jeddah and another six in the northern city of Tabuk. Eight MERS sufferers died on Sunday.

The acting health minister, Adel Fakieh, said on Saturday he had designated three hospitals in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam on the Gulf coast as specialist centres for MERS treatment.

The three hospitals can accommodate 146 patients in intensive care, he said in comments carried by local press on Sunday.

Many Saudis have voiced concerns on social media about government handling of the outbreak, and last week King Abdullah sacked the health minister.

In Jeddah, some people are wearing facemasks and avoiding public gatherings, while pharmacies say sales of hand sanitisers and other hygiene products are soaring.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: msn

What Happens When You’re 1000 Miles Away And TSHTF?

Hello Everybody.  A reader just sent me this question:

Question: I am an over-the-road trucker, the wife is a housewife. My SHTF concerns should be obvious, what if I am 1,000 + miles from home when IT hit the fan. I have my ruck and 1st aid bag on the truck always, my big concern is how to cover a lot of distance quickly, safely in a worst case scenario. At 57, I don’t have the stamina of yesteryear and I fear getting home to Mrs. Army may not be possible and that is where you and your blog followers come in: While I am certain I could get home in most cases, extreme cases might make it impossible to simply drop the trailer and truck. Perhaps your followers might have some thoughts/angles that I haven’t considered to this point. I am considering the purchase of a bicycle, though finding the funds might be a trick by itself. I am willing to listen to any reasonable idea.


This is one of those questions that I’ve heard repeated in one form or another over the years.  Most of us only have to worry about getting home somewhere between 10 and 50 miles on a normal day’s commute.  I personally have between 20 and 30 miles to get home if the balloon goes up and I think about it fairly often.  But at one point I was a consultant travelling all around the country and was actually stranded in Louisiana during the 911 crisis.  All flights were cancelled and I was stuck in the south.  Luckily I was able to rent a car and drive to my next assignment, which was about 400 miles north, but the point was that there was alternate transportation.

First of all – Don’t Panic!  It’s liable to be scary and confusing, but if you keep calm and think you’re fives steps ahead of the pack.

One of the most important things you can have on you when TSHTF – in my opinion – is money.  There’s that brief golden period of time where people probably won’t realize what’s going on.  If the power is out chances are good your credit or debit card won’t be accepted, but if you have a thousand dollars (or more) in cash on you that means you have some bargaining power.  You’ll likely have a small period of time where you can buy some items you need in order to help you get home.  Maybe you can rent a car or buy an old junker and enough gas to get you on the right path.  Maybe you can pick up a long gun if you’re in a state where you can just walk in and buy something at Walmart.  Never underestimate the power of greed under emergency conditions.

If you’re already got a BOB or GHB with you a good deal of your initial security is taken care of.  The only thing you might have to worry about is physical security.  If desperate people see a well equipped guy or gal walking down the road they might decide to help themselves to your goods.  This means you’ll have to know how to move through an urban or suburban area quietly, but that’s a different post.  As a matter of fact Road Warrior (and maybe me) is going to be attending a class soon on how to do just that.

Now, carrying $1000 in cash around on you all the time could make you a target if you get careless, so don’t flash the cash!  Don’t even talk about it.  If you’re a trucker hide the money somewhere and forget it’s there until you actually need it.  Like Dave Ramsey says, an emergency doesn’t mean that you’re out of pizza money.  This is to get your ass home in an emergency.

How to amass such a fortune if you’re living pay check to pay check?  The easiest way is to put a little aside every pay day until you have the money saved up.  Years back I used Dave Ramsey’s debt program to get rid of my credit card debt.  It requires a lot of discipline, but it can be done.

Scenarios Will Differ

How you react will depend on many different factors.  What’s the nature of the disaster/event?  Currency crash?  Solar flare?  War?  Nuclear blast?  Terrorist attack?  And where you are will also make a difference.  If I’m in California and there’s a solar flare and I need to get home to my family in Maine, I’m in a for a long haul if there are no working vehicles.   Then again if I’m in Ohio and there’s an economic crash maybe I can get to a Hertz and rent a car with the money I have on me.  What if they’re charging $20 a gallon for gas?  Bargain!  Fill ‘er up, baby.  I’m going home.  That’s where the money might come in handy.  At that point I’m 20 hours of driving away from home.  Every minute I spend behind the wheel is less miles I have to put on my shoes if I run out of gas or can’t keep driving for any reason.  If my GHB has three days of food and some water and a filter that’s less money I have to spend on those essential items and more resources I can put into transportation.

Another scenario will deal with getting home during an emergency if you’re out of country.  Imagine a huge hurricane coming and you’re trapped at the airport.  Or a tsunami.  Not a fun way to spend your time if TS is about to HTF eh?

of Transportation

If you’re stranded 1000 miles from home the first thing you’ll want to do is look for transportation home.  If you’re an over the road trucker maybe your rig is your best friend at that point.  Turn those big wheels towards home and don’t stop until you roll into the driveway.  You might also want to stop and see if anybody needs a ride at a truck stop or restaurant.  It sure couldn’t hurt to have an extra set of eyes to help you during any kind of emergency that’s going on.   You’ll have to do the best you can to make sure the person won’t be more dangerous than the situation you’re in though.

Alternative modes of transportation could include:  hitching a ride, plane, train, helicopter (think big here!) boat, jet ski… you get the idea.  Some forms of transportation will be more viable than others of course, but don’t be afraid to ask around.  Then of course there’s the manual forms of transportation such as walking, or riding a bike.  Hell, if you’re comfortable with animals maybe you could get a horse and get home that way.

A bike is probably the best method of non-motorized transportation, but you do need to be in shape to use it.  Don’t expect to roll the bike out and pedal you and your GHB 1000 miles in record time if you haven’t been on a bike in years.

If your vision of getting home includes something like they portrayed in “The Road”, then you’ll also have to think about security as well.  If you’re out there by yourself the best form of security is simply not to be seen. This means staying off the roads as much as possible and making your way over land.  Very difficult to do under normal circumstances much less during a crisis of some kind.

This is a tough question no matter how you look at it.  It’s tough to carry any kind of weapon over state lines, so be careful how you go about it.  Society as of this moment is still civilized (arguably) and it’s a good idea to conform to state and federal laws.  It won’t do you much good if you’re in jail when the fur flies because you were caught carrying your side arm illegally.

Some responses:


There are a lot of different variables here, time of year (freezing cold – blazing desert heat ?) Giant urban centers (suburbs – barrios – industrial ?) Rivers / streams / swamps / canyons or other natural ‘choke points’ causing extra dangers to avoid them. Not to mention a population of desperate people who are going bat crap crazy that American Idol will no longer be available to watch and keep them entertained.

To me, the vehicle for this one way ticket would be a motorcycle, capable of on-off road travel. More agile then any car and very gas economic, in desperate times likely the quickest way to get from point A to B.

Weather permitting


Beg, barrow , buy or steal a horse & saddle (or carry your tack with you) Cars, pickups, bikes and anything else that uses petroleum fuel will be worthless in a “grid down” after four days or less. And west of the Mississippi a man afoot is probably dead, within days. Most humans just cannot walk the 40 miles(or more) it takes to reach the next water in a lot of the rural western US.


Dirt bikes make there electricity with a magneto. They can still run after an EMP. The big problem is finding fuel. On any given day there is a maximum of three days fuel on the north American continent. –IF your child’s car was made before 1990 and she carries spare fuzes and its stick shift, she has a 50-50 chance of getting it to start. The chances of it running are much greater if she dives a pre 1980 stick shift and knows how to “bump start” it. If, like most, she has a “modern” computer car SHES WALKIN’ after the grid go’s down.


This is one of my favorite scenarios and surprising shows up in the all the books i’ve been reading. I’m going to field this summer and will be around 100-200 miles from home each day. In my preparation i have found a suitable mountain bike[$99 at walmart] that i like and will be making cheap some tire mods as well as adding some racks and saddle backs to load gear on. I will keep the bike in the truck bed and secured to the frame of the truck. I’d recommend getting yourself 2 pair of good quality boots and break ’em in brother!

I have bought some 110 conibears and in the process of ordering 1-2 dozen high quality snares in various sizes. You will not be able to carry enough food to sustain yourself for the journey so you will have to get more as you go. Learn how to make a survival meat smoker [tepee or buried pit smoker] and travel at night. Pack plenty of high calorie survival bars, rice, bouillon cubes, oatmeal, and coffee/tea/hot cocoa, maps, handheld ham radio with repeaters programmed in, etc etc.

I got my SBR just for this reason so that i can have a lightweight weapon that can get me thru any situations that i can’t hide or escape from. I will have it hidden VERY WELL in my company truck.

Jarhead said it perfectly when he talked about having some serious cash on your person. That will get you what you need quickly and to the front of the line if their is one. Make sure to use it wisely and get the best deals you can but in the end get whats needed.

Lastly I plan on burying supply caches on my planned routes home[nearby at least]. Gonna put food, ammo, clothes and other misc gear that would help me along the way. Either i can use the goods or be able to barter with them. For a 1000 miles i’d have one every 100 miles. Gonna go over the plan with the wife and even put it on paper with an ‘In Emergency Break Glass’ love letter & picture to give her some comfort that papa bear is coming home.


A little history may help, When the LDS church left Illinois, walking and pushing hand carts it took an average of 5 months to reach Utah. It took 6 1/2 to seven months to reach Oregon from St. Louis in 1848-Walking. Because of modern technology , cities, bridges , highways that don’t follow rivers, and bypass the old “water holes”, have fifty mile long grades built for trucks-it would take MUCH longer to walk 1000+ miles, and winter is a killer north of the Ohio and west of the Mississippi rivers from mid November to mid April. Crossing ANY of the western mountains and all of the northern prairie is only safe for a man/woman afoot in June -July and August. Don’t think so? look up “The Donner Party” . If that don’t make you pause and rethink your plan nothing will.



Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfblog

Choosing A Bike for Bug Out Use

Guest post By Hugh Latimer 
Via: survivalblog

Many of us plan to use bicycles for transportation during TEOTWAWKI, or we’ll use them as bug out vehicles in the event that roadways are snarled. The need to take the bike off-road will necessitate that you have mountain bikes. Not only are mountain bikes best suited for off-road travel, they have the ability to pull a light trailer. In addition, the rider sits a little more upright on a mountain bike than on a road bike. This gives the rider a wider range of vision to look for threats, as well as giving the ability to wear a backpack or rucksack.

What to Look For in a Bike

All bikes with the mountain bike moniker are not created equal. The bikes that are sold at the big box stores as mountain bikes are not built for off-road riding. They are fine for cruising around your neighborhood and possibly riding on smooth double-track (dirt roads made by off-road vehicle wheel tracks). These bikes will not hold up to the rigors of TEOTWAWKI. In my opinion, the brands to avoid include Next, Roadmaster, Ozona, or Pacific.

Mountain bikes come in two styles– hardtail and softtail. Hardtail bikes do not have any type of shock absorber or spring on the rear of the frame. The ride is rougher on this style of bike, but there are fewer things to break. A softtail has a rear suspension that makes riding over rough terrain a little less hard on the body parts, but this is one more thing that can break. Under most riding conditions, a hard tail is the better choice. Mountain bikes also come with or without front shock absorbers. Get one with the front shocks.

A low-end, true mountain bike from a bike shop will begin at about $500 and can quickly run into the thousands. The reason is that they are constructed to withstand trail riding under very difficult conditions. The rims are double-walled to withstand hitting rocks, roots, and holes on the trail without bending. Even double-walled rims can taco (yes, that means fold up like a taco), if the rider is over 200 pounds and tries a turn in deep sand. The frames on quality mountain bikes also have double and sometimes triple thickness of metal, where all of the joints are welded together and are double/triple welded for strength. This is called double-butting or triple-butting. The cheap mountain bikes have single-walled rims and are single-butted; they will break under off-road conditions.

The drive train or transmission is the heart of your bike and, thus, is the most expensive part. If you are going to spend extra money on the bike, spend it on the drive train. The chain rings (the front gears) on cheap bikes are stamped metal, and the teeth are prone to bending when you ride over a log or a rock. Quality chain rings are made of higher quality metal and are machined so that the chain shifts smoothly from one ring to another. The highest quality chain rings can even be shifted while climbing under a load without jamming or jumping off the ring. The second part of the transmission is the rear gears. Mountain bikes usually come with nine gears in a gear ratio suitable for climbing steep inclines.

Derailleurs are the things that shift the chain onto the different gears. They are activated via a shifter, located on the handlebars near the grips. There is a derailleur for the three front chain rings and one for the rear gears. The derailleurs on cheap bikes are made of weak metals (sometimes aluminum) or even plastic. The derailleurs on a quality bike are made to withstand trail conditions and hard riding. There are two major brands– Shimano and SRAM. The derailleurs come in varying levels of quality and associated expense. Shimano derailleurs, in order of lowest to highest quality, are Shimano SIS, Tourney, Altus, Acera, Alivio, Deore, SLX, XT, Zee, and XTR. The SIS, Tourney, and Altus are entry-level derailleurs, while the last three would be used by pro racers. Think of the SIS as a Jeep Liberty and the XTR as a Baja racer. Which one would you want to take across the Baja desert? Acera- through XT-level derailleurs would be good choices, based on my riding experience, for most off-road riding. They will provide the durability needed, while shifting reliably and smoothly. The SCRAM brand derailleurs begin at X3 for the lowest end with the X0, XX and XX1 at the top end. Both brands are excellent. A quality Shimano or SRAM chain completes the drive train. Once you know what to look for, good deals on used bikes can be found on e-bay or Craigslist. Just do not buy a used bike until you know what to look for.

How to Fit Yourself to the Bike

If you just go buy a bike off the rack, you may be disappointed if you don’t get the right size to fit you. A bike that is too short will cause serious knee injuries. A bike that is too tall for you will stretch you too much and impede your balance. Mountain bike sizes are measured in inches. You measure the seat tube from the top of the crank to the top of the seat tube. I am 5’9″ and I ride a 17″ bike comfortably. Have the bike shop fit you to a bike. It makes all of the difference in the world when riding 20 miles or more to have a bike that fits you properly and is adjusted correctly. If the employees don’t know how to fit you to a bike, then go to another bike shop. This one is run by amateurs.

Conditioning and Skills

Many preppers buy equipment and place it up on a shelf until it’s needed for TEOTWAWKI. Don’t make this mistake with your mountain bike. If you don’t ride regularly, the first time that you ride may be a miserable experience. Your thighs will be burning after a few miles, and the part where your body meets the bike seat will be extremely tender. You must ride your bike regularly to build the conditioning you will need, especially if you plan to use bikes as your BOV. You can cover up to 100 miles a day on a mountain bike if you are properly conditioned. Most of us won’t be able to make anywhere near that mileage. If you plan on pulling a trailer, you need to practice pulling it loaded to develop the conditioning needed as well as the balance.

In addition to general conditioning, riding off-road requires some skills. Negotiating trails requires that you develop a sense of balance to keep from getting bucked off. Going up and down hills also requires a specific set of skills. Going up a steep hill may require that you stand up on the pedals to get maximum power, yet you have to keep most of your weight over the rear wheel to maintain traction. Riding down a steep hill requires that you slide off the seat and hover your weight further back on the bike to keep from going over the handle bars. The proper use of the front and rear brakes is also an acquired skill when riding downhill. During the bug out is not the time to be learning how to ride your mountain bike. Most mountain biking clubs are great at helping beginners learn the basic skills. Check to see if there is one in your area.

Common Tools You Will Need

  1. A Chain Tool. Chains stretch through use, and links must sometimes be removed to maintain the proper length. If your chain is too long, it can jump off the gears or cause the derailleurs not to shift properly. Chains also break and can be reconnected by removing the broken link and rejoining the chain. You absolutely must have a chain breaking tool to remove and re-insert the link pins. I’ve watched many a mountain biker walking his bike to the trailhead because he didn’t carry this small tool.
  2. Tire Repair Tools. The basic list of tire repair tools you need include:
    1. two tire levers
    2. an air pump or CO2 dispenser, and
    3. a spare inner tube (or more) or a patch kit.

    It is much faster to just replace the tube and patch the damaged tube later when you are secure and have more time. Fixing a flat tire is a skill that you should practice ahead of time. I know a guy that can change the tube in a tire and be back on the trail in less than a minute, but it takes me more than five minutes on a good day. When the SHTF, you don’t want to be trying to figure out how to fix your flat. I suggest having a supply of tubes with you. Off road, you will encounter thorns, broken glass, old barbed wire, and many other tire hazards. If you have the money, you can buy tires lined with Kevlar that are not puncture proof but are very puncture resistant. You can also get tubes filled with green slime that seals small punctures and will keep you rolling until you can get to safety. Buy lots of spare tubes and a few spare tires while they are available. Also, buy lots of tube patches.

  3. Hex wrenches. Most things that need tightening on a mountain bike require hex wrenches. Three sizes of hex wrenches will take care of most things that work their way loose. Spoke wrenches are used to tighten loose spokes. Spokes must be kept at the proper tightness to prevent the rim from going out of round. You may also want to carry a few spare spokes. Broken spokes are easy to replace, but they require the spoke wrench to tighten them to the proper tightness. A multi-tool will take care of most other needs.
  4. A few miscellaneous items and instruction book. The other things that I carry with me are zip ties, electrical tape, and small pieces of wire. The final thing you need to learn is how to make minor repairs to your bike and keep everything in adjustment. Derailleurs require minor adjustments to keep them shifting properly. Brake pads wear and must be adjusted. Chains either stretch or break and must be adjusted or repaired. Zinn & the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance by Leonard Zinn is the standard reference book for maintaining your mountain bike.

Mountain biking is a great sport. It provides you with a little adrenaline rush, while keeping you at a high level of fitness. In addition, I’ve met some great people in the sport. Yet, the critical thing is to buy a quality bike and learn how to ride it.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.
Via: survivalblog

Colorado Couple Finds Out That Their Land Is Only Their Own Until the Government Wants It: Eminent Domain

This report has been contributed by Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper. Daisy is the author of The Pantry Primer: How to Build a One Year Food Supply in Three Months.

Imagine this:

You do your research and you choose a retreat property far off the beaten path.  You spend time and money developing it, making it your own.  Maybe it is a vacation home, or maybe you’re a prepper and this is your bug-out location. Regardless of the reason you chose it, it’s yours, so maybe you plant some perennial vegetables and some fruit trees.  You dig a well or locate a spring.   You make it your own.

Then the government comes along and says, “Nope, we want this land – you’re out.”

And they just take it, evicting you like they are the landlord and you are merely a tenant, despite your name on the deed.

That’s exactly what happened to a couple in Colorado. Andy and Ceil Barrie fought the government and the government won.

The Barries had purchased and idyllic 10 acre parcel of land in the midst of the White River National Forest. The private land had on it a rustic cabin, an outhouse, and an old boarded-up gold mine. It was a day use cabin, and therefore totally off the grid. No electricity, no plumbing – just peace and solitude, accessible only by an ATV via a road that Summit County didn’t even know existed. The cabin is 1.2 miles off the main road. From a preparedness standpoint, the place is what most of us dream of – a sweet little piece of paradise far off the beaten path, without a powerline in sight.

The government used many different bizarre strategies to get the Barries off of their land.  Pay close attention, because precedents are being set that could affect hunters or those creating bug-out retreats.

#1 ATV access threatened an endangered species

The government’s first line of attack against the Barries was forbidding them to use a motorized vehicle to reach the property.  This will sound familiar to anyone who has been following the Cliven Bundy case in Nevada: Summit “county officials issued a report that stated “public motorized access” to the property threatened the alpine tundra and the habitat for the lynx, an endangered species.” (source)  County officials took a vote in October of 2013, and in order to save the lynx threatened by the Barries’ occasional access, agreed that their property should be seized. (In the case of the Bundy ranch, his cattle were massacred by the government while they claimed to be concerned about the fate of the desert tortoise.)

#2 The county demanded that “various commercial activities” be halted

And exactly what nefarious money-making schemes were the Barries up to?  Why, Andy Barry had the audacity to gather up fallen pine cones and take them home for his Christmas wreath making business. He used a cart attached to the afore-mentioned ATV to take them back to his home, where the wreaths were created.

#3 The county condemned the cabin because of electrical and plumbing issues

Umm…it’s an off-grid cabin, so there was no electricity and no plumbing to start with.  In their haste to protect the environment, one would think that bringing in electricity or plumbing would be far more of an issue than a low-carbon-footprint place that used no public utilities.This was strictly a day-use cabin, thus requiring no plumbing or power. How many off-grid homes that adjoin national land exist across the country right now? How many hunting and trapping cabins are snugly sitting out there in the wilderness? Are all of those properties next on the government’s list of properties to steal?

#4 The cabin was in violation of zoning laws

A previous owner had expanded the cabin without a permit.  Because we have to ask the government’s permission for everything, you see.

In the end, the government won.

On Thursday, the Barries had no option but to cede the land.  They did not have the money to fight against the bottomless coffers of the government. They were paid $115,000 for the land.  The couple had spent $75,000 waging a legal defense.  Ceil Barrie said in a statement:

“The cabin was condemned on the grounds of plumbing and electricity, when it doesn’t even have plumbing or electricity. All those things added up in my mind. This is ridiculous, we can never win and our money is not unlimited. I have two kids in college this year. To me, what just came out of it is, you can’t fight the government.” (source)

The moral to this story is, the government does not support the lifestyle to which many of us aspire. Self sufficiency and freedom from the grid are not celebrated, but demonized.  The government, through various agencies masquerading as do-gooders, have waged war on woodstovesoff-grid lifestylesfront yard vegetable gardens, and anything that might allow you to live without their daily input or without being subject to their many taxes and fees.

Private property rights are ignored and according to the government, we must all submit to their “eminent domain”.  What it boils down to: You might think you own something, but it’s clear that it is only yours until the government decides that they want it.



Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfplan

The Top 5 Reasons I “Prepare”


I was about to write something like this when friends at homesteaddreamer hit it right on the head.

This is the orginal post below, but stop over at homesteaddreamer for much more information on “Working toward a more self sufficient life”.



Picture by David Kent, © 2006

Hollywood has turned the word “prepper” into a laughable term that conjures up images of some whack job in a bunker with gas masks. The reality of it could not be further from the truth. As with anything, there are the extremists out there who take things over the top. The current fad is to capitalize on those types to entertain the masses (“Doomsday Preppers” anyone?). Anyone who knows me or has followed me for more than a month, already knows I am not anything like what is portrayed on television. The Mister and I consider it “self-regulated insurance.” Some are taken back when they hear me say I consider myself a morphed version of a homesteader and a prepper (most do not understand that they are one in the same for the most part). I generally just tell people that I am turning into my grandma (which is true) and they accept it as something more palatable, more ‘normal.’ For those rare people who are not put off by the word prepper or think I am crazy to think in these terms of being ready for some unforeseen event, I tell them my top 5 reasons the husband and I have gone over to this more self reliant lifestyle. They are given in order of importance;

1. Loss of job. Any one can lose their job at any time. Most people reading this (myself included) simply do not have the means to be able to put back 3 months of bills into a savings account. They live by the seat of their pants – paycheck to paycheck. Having supplies such as an extra 20# bag of rice (bought on sale!) or pack of toilet paper will make getting through a job loss easier in many ways. There is a comfort knowing that even if you do not have money coming in, you have some food set back that will not go bad anytime soon. You will still be able to feed your family and keep clean while you figure out the rest. I can personally attest to this – when I was finishing college I was not working and our budget was so tight that a vice grip would be jealous. I had the pantry filled with extras like rice, beans, flour, sugar, etc. and other staples. The freezer was pretty full because of a meat sale I was able to take advantage of and we made it through. All actual money we had went to rent and bills and we ate the stores I had set back. I learned some great new recipes, too!

2. Break in the Supply Chain. Living on an island means everything is shipped in by barge, ferry, or plane. We rely completely upon these ‘just in time’ systems for absolutely everything. Should some catastrophe happen in the ‘lower 48,’ our supplies here would surely be affected. A large earthquake or storm system could slow or even stop supplies moving across the country. The likelihood of supplies actually making it here when the places they are being shipped through also need the same supplies is small – maybe even non existent – until regular lines are restored. Any government aid would also be very slow in making it here, if at all. Should the supply chain become interrupted, people in Southeast Alaska would be on their own in more than one way.

3. Natural Disasters. Thankfully, the area I live in does not have many natural disasters, or even disaster threats. Wildfires and floods or mudslides simply do not happen often here. We have some good storms in Autumn and Spring with sustained winds over 5o MPH and gusts in the 80 MPH range. We are used to these and do not have to worry much about damage to homes or infrastructure. The natural disasters I worry most about would be earthquakes and the tsunamis that follow. We are surrounded by little islands on all sides that would break up some of the tsunami waves however, the initial ‘draining’ of the sea and then it rushing back in would cause significant damage by itself. We are a coastal fishing town – such an event could wipe out salmon stocks if the tsunami hit during spawning season. Fishing boats would be damaged and sink from banging around in the docks or from a rock on the sea floor as the waves rushed out, then back in. We may not see an actual tsunami hit the island I live on, but there would be a ripple effect felt across the region.

4. Economic Collapse. No two ways about it, our country is in trouble financially speaking. Anyone who knows anything of how economics works can see the truth of it. I have great concerns about how it will all shake out in the end and we are consciously working on getting ourselves completely out of debt. That being said, I put this lower on my list because there really is not much I can do about it other than what I already am. If there was indeed an economic collapse, many people think that they simply will not have to pay bills and that is just unrealistic. The rent man and bank will still want their money for the roof over your head and if you don’t have it, you may find yourself out in the cold. Having stuff set back to eat, drink, keep warm with, and keep hygiene up with help immensely as you will not have to buy these things and what funds you do have can be put toward keeping the roof over your head.

5. All the ‘Other Stuff’. Yup, I worry about EMPs or solar flares wiping out the grid. I worry about asteroids smacking the Earth. I worry about terrorists, dirty bombs, chemical warfare, etc. The fact is, ALL of these are possible but that does not mean I am sitting there hiding in my little cocoon waiting for it all to go down. I do what I can to prepare; having the supplies and SKILLS  to not only make it, but to also thrive afterward. The skills can actually be very fun to try out. For example; camping is a wonderful activity to help teach yourself and your family how to deal without running water, electricity, and wood heat. Do you know how to start a fire with damp wood? How about putting up a tarp that you can take down without leaving any rope in the trees? Can you identify edible plants in your area? All of these simple activities add up to a lot of powerful knowledge that can literally save you if needed but you learned them by ‘playing’ in the woods. It is all about perspective!

Here is a wonderful little interactive PDF you can use to help get started by breaking things down into manageable chunks. Not sure what scenario to use? I recommend people plan for a job loss first to get used to the form and then go from there. I hope this helps some of the nay-sayers see that being ‘prepared’ is a really smart idea (your grandparents called it ‘normal’) and not just for the whack jobs who are convinced that the whole world is only one event away from total annihilation.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: homesteaddreamer

This Pet First Aid app could become man’s next best friend

American Red Cross has long been a great resource when it comes to providing education and assistance in disasters. I knew about their First Aid and CPR classes but just discovered their Pet First Aid class and this Pet First Aid app for smartphones.

The app is 99 cents (mine cost $1.06 with tax), but I’ve been very impressed with the amount and quality of information it provides, including instructional videos.

For both dogs and cats, the app defines what is normal for their breathing, temperature, heart rate, pulse rate, capillary refill time, and mucous membrane color. There are quizzes to test your knowledge, an area to enter your own vet’s contact information and locate the nearest animal hospital, along with a detailed list of warning signs that your pet needs treatment now.

As well, you can enter each pet’s name and details about their medical history, special diet, and current medications. Having this information in one place, instead of in paper files at home, is very helpful.

I highly, highly recommend spending 99 cents for this app. It’s easy to navigate, very user friendly, and just might be your pet’s next best friend.

Other Red Cross apps you may be interested in:


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: thesurvivalmom

The #1 reason all your preparedness could be in vain

Not to be confused with failing to prepare, this statement may cause some head scratching. Stick with me here to see what I mean.

Your completed bug out bags are ready by the door. Food is stored for the long term and secured. You have water filters, gear, and gadgets out the wazoo. Sitting in your home, you feel pretty good about all you have accomplished. You should! You invested a lot of time, energy, organizing, research, and money so you and your family can make it through unforeseen circumstances.

You can handle economic collapse, EMP, solar flares, even natural disasters common to your area. You read books on handling the call for martial law, protecting yourself and preps from looters, gangs, or hungry neighbors. You have done everything you can think of. So why would you fail?

The #1 reason all your preparedness could be in vain

You may have all the gadgets and hoarded supplies to live off grid for years, but unless you have the skills and practice to use them or even start a fire, you will likely fail. There is more to building a fire than simply stacking wood and using a lighter. There is more to purifying water than knowing to filter and boil it to make it safe for consumption.

How about your fancy first aid kit? It may be rated for an EMT, but unless you know how to use the stuff inside, it is almost worthless. You could make things worse by not knowing how to use your gear or assess a chaotic situation with calm logic.

These things take time. Skills are not learned overnight and becoming familiar, let alone proficient, with a piece of equipment or gear takes more than one use.

Before you get overwhelmed by the prospect of learning everything needed to really survive a SHTF or disaster situation, these four (4) skills cover the most basic of human needs so you survive to fight another day. A human needs shelter, water, food, and warmth to survive. Once you pick one of the four skills, YouTube and the internet can help you get started.

Shelter building

You may have the most expensive, sturdy tent that money can buy. Do you know how to put it up? Can you read the ground to see where water may flow in a downpour? What if you do not even have a tarp to use? Can you use the material around you (or in the woods) to build a shelter?

Learning how to set up your tent and several ways of making serviceable, if crude, shelter is important. This skill alone will make you will much more confident no matter where you are. Take a few minutes to watch a few videos and then practice the skills. Better yet, make it a fun family event. The kids help you build a ‘natural fort’ they can play in.

Starting a Fire

This one seems like a no-brainer to most people today. In our marvelous modern age, there are so many ways to start a fire that people have forgotten you can actually rub sticks together to start one. No one wants to use that method of course, but there is still an art to starting a sustainable fire. A cooking fire is different than a fire for heat, which is still different than banking a fire so it will not go out at night.

It takes practice to understand how a fire burns and what it needs. I remember my little brother on a camping trip when he was 8 or 9. Mom let him start the fire. He piled layers of paper and kindling into the fire pit and used a lighter to get it going. Within minutes, the fire was out and there was only a small burned area in the middle.

What went wrong? He had everything he needed, right? Wrong. He did not have the skills to properly stack the kindling and tinder so it would breathe right; he did not have the skills to ‘read’ the fire because he hadn’t been allowed to do it very often. It takes practice, plain and simple.

Water Purification

It amazes me how many people think either filtering or boiling water make it safe. You must do both to be absolutely certain the water is safe. The Rule of Threes tells us you cannot live without water more than 3 days, but that is climate dependent. Being in the desert requires more water than surviving in the Pacific Northwest.

Do you know the best sources for water? Do you have the skills to actually use your filter and then boil the water? Do you know how long to boil for? What if you do not have a working water filter, do you know how to make one? Learn a basic technique, then go practice!


You have 3 months’ worth of MREs all set and secured. You have dehydrated goodies besides and bags of rice, beans, sugar, and flour in Mylar bags. Great! Do you know how to use those staples once the MREs are gone? Can you cook with just those items? On top of that, do you know how to cook over a fire?

Personally, I researched recipes that use very basic ingredients but still taste good, and are nutritious and filling. The only way to ensure “tastes good” for your family is,  you guessed it, to actually make and eat them.


Warmth ties into the others. Fire and shelter help keep you going. Staying warm and dry is vitally important for both your physical and your mental health. With all the blankets, sleeping bags, and clothing available to keep you warm, do you know how to keep warm without them – without a sleeping bag? Shelter and fire placement will help with that.

All of the above is to help get you thinking about the bigger picture in manageable chunks. As you work through the list, you may find that some of the gadgets and gear you have is redundant and that can be a good thing. Having back ups and back up plans are absolutely vital. Being prepared is a backup plan in itself!



Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: thesurvivalmom, Homestead Dreamer.

Are You Ready For The Price Of Food To More Than Double By The End Of This Decade?

By guest blogger, Michael Snyder – Economic Collapse Blog

Do you think that the price of food is high now?  Just wait.  If current trends continue, many of the most common food items that Americans buy will cost more than twice as much by the end of this decade.  Global demand for food continues to rise steadily as crippling droughts ravage key agricultural regions all over the planet.  You see, it isn’t just the multi-year California drought that is affecting food prices.

Down in Brazil (one of the leading exporters of food in the world), the drought has gotten so bad that 142 cities were rationing water at one point earlier this year.  And outbreaks of disease are also having a significant impact on our food supply.  A devastating pig virus that has never been seen in the U.S. before has already killed up to 6 million pigs.  Even if nothing else bad happens (and that is a very questionable assumption to make), our food prices are going to be moving aggressively upward for the foreseeable future.  But what if something does happen?  In recent years, global food reserves have dipped to extremely low levels, and a single major global event (war, pandemic, terror attack, planetary natural disaster, etc.) could create an unprecedented global food crisis very rapidly.

A professor at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University named Timothy Richards has calculated what the drought in California is going to do to produce prices at our supermarkets in the near future.  His projections are quite sobering

  • Avocados likely to go up 17 to 35 cents to as much as $1.60 each.
  • Berries likely to rise 21 to 43 cents to as much as $3.46 per clamshell container.
  • Broccoli likely to go up 20 to 40 cents to a possible $2.18 per pound.
  • Grapes likely to rise 26 to 50 cents to a possible $2.93 per pound.
  • Lettuce likely to rise 31 to 62 cents to as much as $2.44 per head.
  • Packaged salad likely to go up 17 to 34 cents to a possible $3.03 per bag.
  • Peppers likely to go up 18 to 35 cents to a possible $2.48 per pound.
  • Tomatoes likely to rise 22 to 45 cents to a possible $2.84 per pound.

So what happens if the drought does not end any time soon?

Scientist Lynn Ingram, who has studied the climate history of the state of California extensively, told CBS News that we could potentially be facing “a century-long megadrought” in California.  If that does indeed turn out to be the case, we could be facing huge price increases for produce year after year.

And it isn’t just crops that are grown in the United States that we need to be concerned about.  As NBC News recently reported, the price of cocoa is absolutely soaring and that is going to mean much higher prices for chocolate…

As cocoa prices surge to near-record highs on demand for emerging markets, chocoholics brace for a hike in price – and maybe even a different taste, as chocolate makers hunt out cheaper ingredients.

Cocoa futures are up 10 percent so far this year, hitting almost £1,900 on ($3,195) a ton in March. Last year prices rose 20 percent.

In fact, experts are now warning that chocolate may soon become a “high-end luxury item” because it is becoming so expensive.

Meat prices are also starting to spiral out of control.

A virus known as porcine epidemic diarrhea has pushed pork prices up to new all-time record highs.  It has already spread to 27 states, and as I mentioned above, it has already killed up to 6 million pigs.  It is being projected that U.S. pork production will decline by about 7 percent this year as a result, and Americans could end up paying up to 20 percent more for pork by the end of the year.

The price of beef has also soared to a brand new all-time record high.  Due to the drought that never seems to let up in the western half of the country, the total size of the U.S. cattle herd has been declining for seven years in a row, and it is now the smallest that is has been since 1951.

If the overall price of food in this country increases by just an average of a little more than 12 percent a year, it will double by the end of this decade.

What would you do if you suddenly walked into the grocery store and everything was twice as much?

That is a frightening thing to think about.

Meanwhile, all of our other bills just keep going up as well.  For example, we just learned that the price of electricity hit a brand new all-time record high for the month of March.

If our incomes were keeping up with all of these price increases, that would be one thing.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  As I wrote about earlier this week, the quality of our jobs continues to go down and more Americans fall out of the middle class every single day.

According to CNBC, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans with college degrees that are working for minimum wage right now…

While a college degree might help get a job, it doesn’t necessarily mean a good salary. According to a report released last month by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some 260,000 workers with bachelor’s degrees and 200,000 workers with associate’s degrees are making the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, and the minimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13 an hour. Some cities and states have recently raised their minimum wage, but the BLS report defines only those making $7.25 an hour or less as “minimum wage workers.”

And according to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in the United States has dropped for five years in a row.

This is why so many families are financially stressed these days.  The cost of living is going up at a steady pace, but for the most part our paychecks are not keeping up.  Average Americans are having to stretch their money farther than ever, and many families have reached the breaking point.

One set of advice is to seek out your local farmer and cut out the middle man. This will drive you to eat healthier food that is at its peak freshness for your locality. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s) are a great way to get fresh produce through the growing season by purchasing a “share” of the farmers yeild. Most have weekly pickups/dropoffs where you get foods that were most likey picked that morning. We have been doing this for years and the variety and taste can’t be beat by stuff picked in Mexcio and shipped north. Meat is another item you can source locally. Every year we buy a half beef and this year we even bought a half hog. The meat is cleaner, open pastured, hormone free and delicious.
The link takes you to a website that can help you locate farms in your area that offer items directly to the public and

So what is going on in your neck of the woods?  Are you starting to see prices rise at the grocery stores where you live?


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: thesurvivalistblog

10 Ways to Relieve Spring Allergies

Now that winter is behind us, the long-awaited season of spring brings with it rebirth, renewal – and allergies. When flowers, grasses and trees begin to set forth their blooms, our allergies show up. Congestion, sneezing and watery eyes are no way to enjoy the gifts that spring brings.

Relieve Your Allergies Naturally

For many, symptoms of allergies can be averted with a simple drive to the drugstore for over-the-counter meds. On the other side, those with more severe allergies must take a more aggressive approach to remedy their allergy symptoms.

1. Herbal Supplements and Extracts

Many herbs have been shown to have positive effects on allergy relief. Spirulina, eyebright, and goldenseal—have been studied for allergy relief and relief in sinus inflammation. Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple is sometimes used to curb inflammation after sinus surgery and could be used for allergy relief. Studies show that it reduces swelling and improves breathing, as well.

Some extracts have been shown to have a significant effect on allergy symptoms. According to WebMD, one study, published recently in the British Medical Journal, showed how just one tablet of butterbur extract (Ze 339) taken four times daily was as effective as a popular antihistamine drug in controlling symptoms of hay fever — without the traditional symptom of drowsiness that sometimes occurs.

Other extracts that show promise is nettles added to a tonic made from golden seal and added to a saline solution. This solution is used as a nasal spray and has been shown to have positive effects. “The saline works to wash out pollen and reduce or thin mucous — the goldenseal has astringent and local antibacterial properties which can aid in this process.”

2. Honey

Evidence shows that local honey can have a profound effect on reducing allergies. The prevailing  theory behind eating honey is similar to gradually vaccinating the body against allergens, a process called immunotherapy. Honey contains a variety of the same pollen spores that give allergy sufferers so much trouble when flowers and grasses are in bloom. Introducing these spores into the body in small amounts by eating honey should make the body accustomed to their presence and decrease the chance an immune system response like the release of histamine will occur [Source: AAFP].

3. Steam Bath

Breathing in steam is a simple way to open the airway passages and relieve the symptoms of congestion. Go a step further and add some essential oils, such as eucalyptus oil to the water to create a powerful bond between the steam and oils and helps to ease symptoms of certain ailments, especially those of the upper respiratory tract, nose and sinuses.

4. Saline Spray

Saline spray can also relieve allergy symptoms quickly. You can easily purchase pre-made saline solution at local drugstores, or make your own solution daily by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a pint of warm, distilled water and adding a pinch of baking soda. Bend over a sink and sniff a bit of solution into one nostril at a time, allowing it to drain back out through the nose or mouth; do this once or twice a day. Note: If you also have asthma, check with your doctor before trying this remedy.

5. Neti Pot

I first heard about the Neti pot over 10 years ago, and was sceptical at first. When I used it, I immediately felt relief in my nasal passages. The treatment, which involves rinsing your nasal cavity with a saline solution, and distilled warm water flushes out allergens (like pollen) and loosens mucus. Premeasured saline packs are available at local drugstores. These can also be used when you have congestion from a cold.

6. Spicy Foods

For a quick relief consider adding some spicy foods to your diet. Foods such as cayenne peppers, wasabi, spicy mustard, fresh garlic, and horseradish can help clear nasal passages and start your eyes watering very soon after they are ingested. Studies have shown that allyl thiosulfinate, an active ingredient in garlic and isothiocyanates, a similar ingredient in wasabi do appear to have a temporary decongestant effect.

7. Drink Tea

Drinking hot tea has a profound effect on allergy symptoms. Holding a steaming cup of hot tea close to the face does double duty in soothing nasal pressure, as well as helping to open the nasal passages. Drinking herbal teas containing menthol work as an expectorant and a decongestant. Similarly, studies are currently looking to the antioxidant properties found in green tea. The small amount of caffeine that green teas contain may also help you not feel drowsy. Those with severe seasonal allergies should steer clear of flower herbal teas such as chamomile until allergy symptoms lessen.

To make peppermint tea: Place 1/2 ounce dried peppermint leaves in a 1-quart jar. Fill two-thirds of the jar with boiling water. Cover and allow to steep for five minutes. For added benefit, inhale the steam. Let cool, strain, sweeten if desired, and drink.

(Note: Peppermint tea should be used with caution in children, as the menthol in peppermint may cause them to choke.)

8. Do Some Spring Cleaning

A little bit of cleaning can do wonders for removing dust and airborne irritants found in the home. Thoroughly dust the home, vacuum under furniture and thoroughly clean carpets. Your sheets could also be causing you some allergy discomfort. Therefore, regularly change your sheets (your pillowcase especially). Those with severe allergies may want to consider purchasing a vacuum that has a built-in HEPA filter or attach a filter to the exhaust port of your canister vac (uprights usually don’t have an exhaust port). Many vacuums blast small particles of dust back into the air, leaving behind plenty of allergens to keep you sneezing and wheezing.

Further, if you suffer from allergies, make a point to change out your air conditioning filters. This will help you clear allergens in the home. HEPA filters will help purify the air and are especially helpful when you have pets in the home.

9. Bathe Your Pet

Did you know that 10 to 15 percent of the population suffers from pet allergies? The allergen is a specific protein produced not in the animal’s fur, but primarily in its skin and – a lesser extent- urine and saliva. Regularly bathing your pet with natural products will help reduce you inhaling chemicals as well as reduce allergens.

10. Avoid When Necessary

Sometimes avoiding the cause of your allergy is the best way to keep those allergies at bay. For example, as much as you love the great outdoors, if you are severely allergic to grasses, you may want to steer clear of camping or hiking. Likewise, use a filtered mask when mowing the lawn.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: readynutrition