Martial Law & Gun Confiscation – A Reminder From New Orleans!

Want to see what happens when any reason is given to take your guns.



As you can see and hear in the video, that even after a federal judge ordered the guns returned and that they stop taking them.


Did you catch the response? They have the right to take anything they want and there are no laws that apply to them.


So in essence they are above the law.


What this seems to mean is that, when and if they want, they can take your guns because people have no rights to have them.


Even if you are not a gun person, do you want anyone or government entry to tell you what you can and cannot have even if the current law says different?


Maybe we need to be careful on all fronts about what anyone knows you have, from guns to food.


Do your own research and think it though for yourselves.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.



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