Monthly Archives: January 2018

GE just signaled the next crisis and nobod’s paying attention

Earlier this month, General Electric took a $6.2 billion charge to its insurance unit for the fourth quarter. And the company said it will set aside another $15 billion over seven years to bolster reserves at GE Capital.

The charge had to do with long-term care policies (to pay for nursing homes and other late-life care) GE holds on its books.

So, one of the oldest and most highly-regarded companies in America just made a small, $21 billion miscalculation. Oops.

Keep in mind, GE’s entire market cap is only $140 billion.

The insurance charge, along with costs tied to the US tax plan, led GE to a $9.64 billion loss in the fourth quarter.

Then last week, GE announced the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was investigating the company’s accounting practices (specifically how the company books revenue from long-term service contracts on things like power-plant repairs and jet-engine maintenance).

But this isn’t GE’s first run in with the SEC…

The company’s accounting practices have long been considered a “black box.” The New York Times even published a story in 2009 comparing the company to Enron – the energy giant brought down by fraudulent accounting.

And is all started with GE’s legendary former CEO Jack Welch.

Welch would regularly beat Wall Street’s earnings estimates by a penny or two. And he was named manager of the century by Fortune Magazine for his ability to pump GE’s stock.

And while Welch is lauded for his “six sigma” management, it seems his real talent was using GE’s many divisions to move assets around and goose earnings to hit short-term numbers.

The creative accounting caught up with GE in 2009, when the company paid $50 million to settle SEC allegations it had used improper accounting methods to boost numbers in 2002 and 2003.

Among the strategies GE used to make its 2003 numbers was selling railroad cars to banks, with side deals and verbal promises to assure the banks they couldn’t lose money on the deal.

Enron used the same trick in 1999 when it “sold” Nigerian barges to Merrill Lynch, allowing the company to fake a $12 million profit.

Today GE is a $140 billion company (shares are down by nearly half over the past 12 month). The company has nearly $160 billion in debt. And in fiscal year 2016, the company lost $41 billion in cash.

GE’s financial performance makes my favorite whipping boy, Netflix, look like a piker.

GE got here, in part, because the government guaranteed all of the company’s debts until 2012 to help it survive the Great Financial Crisis.

Then the Fed lowered interest rates and printed trillions of dollars to goose the economy.

Instead of using this beneficial environment to repair its horrible balance sheet, GE spent some $50 billion buying back stock and paying dividends… and allowed Welch’s successor, Jeff Immelt, to walk away with $211 million (despite the company erasing $150 billion of market cap value during his tenure).

GE has gotten away with this behavior because we’re in the middle of one of the largest asset booms in history. The markets are at all-time highs. And nobody asks the tough questions when they’re making money.

It doesn’t take a giant pin to prick the bubble. It just takes something unexpected… Nobody ever knows what will set off the next crisis.

But in GE’s case, you can bet there isn’t just one cockroach.

Plus, interest rates are rising today (the 10-year Treasury is above 2.7%) and the Fed is taking away the quantitative easing punch bowl. What will happen to overly indebted companies like GE (who are likely covering up more huge losses) when the credit dries up and debt service gets way more expensive?

Mind you, GE already can’t afford its debt.

GE is just one example of a potential crisis in the making.

Maybe a bank sets off the next crisis…

I just read a Wall Street Journal piece about “drive by appraisals.” When the big institutional investors, like private equity giant Blackstone, started buying tens of thousands of individual homes, they needed a quick way to appraise the properties to get loans.

Blackstone and its lender, Deutsche Bank, settled on these drive by appraisals, where brokers give their price opinion of the property. These assessments, called broker price opinions (BPOs) were outlawed by congress after the crisis.

But the prohibition doesn’t apply to investors buying tens of thousands of homes (of course you don’t want to have an accurate asset value for collateral behind really big loans).

Sometimes brokers will even outsource the process to India, where companies will use Google Earth and real estate website to come up with home values.

BPOs have been used to value homes backing more than $20 billion of bonds sold by companies like Blackstone.

As Warren Buffett says, “you never know who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.”

Just know, there are major losses – and likely fraud – hiding out there today. But it’s gone largely ignored because of the one-way market we’ve experienced since 2010.

GE and these drive by loans are just two examples. And the worst is yet to come.


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via:  sovereignman

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-31-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.

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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-30-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.

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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-29-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.


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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-28-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.


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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


From AlertsUSA


Scene from latest Islamic State video entitled.

Al Qaeda and Islamic State Call for Attacks New Threats to Aviation


January 27, 2018


Between Jan 22nd and 26th, the following related Flash SMS messages were sent to AlertsUSA subscriber mobile devices:

1/26 – Horrific new Islamic State video released entitled “Answer The Call”. Urges flwrs in “Europe, America, Russia, Australia, and elsewhere” to attack. See email.

1/23 – New Al Qaeda video calls for attacks on the U.S., France and Britain over POTUS recog of Jerusalem as capital of Israel & decision to move embassy. See email.

1/22 – TSA orders enhanced Air Cargo Advance Screening for US-bound flights from 5 majority-Muslim nations due to intel re threats to commercial aviation. See email.

What You Need To Know

Twice this week AlertsUSA subscribers were informed of new calls for attacks on the U.S. and other Western nations by both al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State.

Early Tuesday, a senior al-Qaeda leader, Khalid Batarfi, called on Muslims “everywhere” to rise up and kill Jews and Americans in response to President Trump’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Batarfi said Trump’s decision was “a declaration of a new Jewish-Crusader war,” that every Muslim had a duty to “liberate” the holy city, and that “no Muslim has the right to cede Jerusalem no matter what happens.”

Batarfi was one of approximately 150 jailed AQAP members who were freed in 2015 when the militant group, regarded by the United States as one of the deadliest branches of the network founded by Osama bin Laden, captured the Yemeni port city of Mukalla where he was held.

Within 24 hours of the release of this week’s video message, the State Department announced that Batarfi had been added to the U.S. government’s list of specially designated global terrorists. “This designation seeks to deny Batarfi the resources he needs to plan and carry out further terrorist attacks,” State said in a press release.

AQAP claimed responsibility for 2015 attacks on the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris and often boasts of having one of the world’s most feared bomb makers, Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri (see more on AQAP below).

On Friday, subscribers were also notified of a new video released by the Islamic State’s Al-Hayat Media group urging followers in Europe, America, Russia, Australia, and elsewhere to rise up and kill kuffars, or unbelievers. In what is one of the group’s most horrific videos to date, an English language nasheed (acapella chant) backs brief news clips of attacks in Las Vegas, San Bernardino, Paris, Nice, London, and Manchester. Also mixed in are brief clips of beheadings, throat cutting, burnings, severed heads being waved around, as well as clips of jihadists in battle.

From the Nasheed (punctuation added):






Scene from latest Islamic State video entitled. "Answer the Call." - ALLOW IMAGES

Scene from latest Islamic State video entitled. "Answer the Call." - ALLOW IMAGES

Scene from latest Islamic State video entitled. "Answer the Call." - ALLOW IMAGES

Scene from latest Islamic State video entitled. "Answer the Call." - ALLOW IMAGES


On Monday, AlertsUSA subscribers were informed of an emergency order from the Transportation Security Administration requiring stricter scrutiny of air cargo being loaded onto flights bound for the U.S. from last point of departure airports in five countries — Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The TSA/CBP “emergency” order affects cargo carried by EgyptAir, Royal Jordanian, Saudia, Qatar Airways, Emirates Airline and Etihad Airways.

Citing intelligence pointing to an increased threat of a bomb being smuggled on board an aircraft bound for the United States, TSA administrator David Pekoske stated the following:

“The continued threat to commercial aviation calls for enhanced screening and security to protect international air travel direct to the United States. The countries were chosen because of a demonstrated intent by terrorist groups to attack aviation from them.”

“TSA looks at threats emanating from each country uniquely, and cannot provide specific information about those threats, but after analyzing evaluated intelligence, we determined that we needed to expand the ACAS program within each of them at this time.”

Under the new measures, airlines would be required to provide the Transportation Security Administration and Customer and Border Protection detailed information about all cargo destined for or transiting through the United States prior to being loaded onto aircraft.

In addition to new threat intelligence prompting this latest round of enhanced security measures, readers are reminded that in July of last year, U.S. and Australian authorities foiled a plot to smuggle an improvised explosive device onto an Etihad Airways flight from Sydney to Abu Dhabi. The particular flight targeted was carrying more than 400 people.

Another notable foiled plot occurred in October of 2010, within which two packages, each containing a bomb consisting of approximately 12 ounces of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism, were found on two separate cargo planes. Both were bound for the U.S. from Yemen and were discovered en route during stop-overs, one at East Midlands Airport in the UK, and one in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

As a final note on this story, readers are reminded that as recently as April of last year, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has made clear they continue to target the aviation sector for attacks. Just two years ago, the al Qaeda branch published what counterterrorism experts say was an extremely detailed, and potentially lethal, bomb recipe in the 13th issue of their internet magazine known as Inspire. Also included in that issue were instructions on getting the bomb through airport security and even where to sit on the plane to maximize damage.

Despite a recent lull in domestic terror attacks, the threat environment remains extremely serious. AlertsUSA strongly encourages readers to maintain a sensible level of personal security awareness and vigilance when in public places and gatherings. Leave the smartphone in your bag or jacket and pay attention to your surroundings. Make it a point to know the location of exits.

Get in the habit of “scanning and calculating.” Scanning involves continuously and subconsciously scanning one’s immediate area to identify potential security threats. Calculating is the mental planning of a response that takes place after scanning identifies a threat. After a little practice, these actions become second nature.

If you have a bad feeling about a person or situation, follow your instincts. While sometimes wrong or misread, your “gut” will often warn of actual threats not appearing in your conscious awareness. Trust it.

AlertsUSA continues to monitor the domestic and international threat environment and will immediately notify service subscribers, via SMS messages, of new alerts, warnings and advisories or any developments which signal a change the overall threat picture for American citizens as events warrant.


1/25 – Shallow EQ swarm off coast of CA, ~125 miles WSW of Eureka. M5.0-5.8. Could portend larger quake along major W coast fault lines. Have a plan, be prepared.

1/23 – AlertsUSA monitoring response to shooting incident, Marshal Co High School, Benton, KY. At least 5 shot. Heavy police presence. Shooter in custody.

1/23 – The NWS Tsunami Warning Center has canceled the Tsunami Watch for CA: “A tsunami was generated by this event, but does not pose a threat to California.”

1/23 – Residents of the W. Coast of N. America from the MX border to AK should be paying attention. Tsunami WATCHES & WARNINGS in effect. 7.9 EQ in Gulf of Alaska..

1/23 – 7.9 EQ, Gulf of Alaska. Tsunami WARNING: British Columbia, S. Alaska, Aleutian Islands. Tsunami WATCH: U.S. West Coast. More details to come.

1/22 – U.S. Embassy Philippines warns Americans re Mayon Volcano, SE of Manila. Alert level increased from 3 to 4. “Hazardous eruption imminent.” More via email.

1/23 – An IED was reportedly detonated this evening at Eagle Ridge Mall, Lake Wales, FL. No injuries. Add’l “devices” found in backpack. See email for more info.

AlertsUSA Service for Mobile Devices - ALLOW IMAGES

* Threat Info Direct to Your Mobile Device
* Get Away Early, Give Your Family Extra Safety.
* In Wide Use By Gov, 1st Responders, Travelers.
* 24/7/365 Monitoring. No Hype. Just the Bad Stuff.
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* On your Cell Phone, Tablet or Email.
* We Give The Clear Truth, Unlike the MSM.
* 15 Years in Operation!

We are NOT part of the government.
In fact, they are our customers!




A California Air National Guard F-15 Eagle takes flight near Diamond Head during the Sentry Aloha 18-01 training exercise at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, Jan. 22, 2018. Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sgt. Chris Drudge. - ALLOW IMAGES

World News Roundup


January 27, 2018


Other Developments We Are Following


USAF Is Jamming GPS For Largest Ever Red Flag Air War Exercise
The Pentagon’s Readiness Crisis Threatens To Worsen In 2018
Biggest bunker-buster upgraded by US for B-2 bombers amid N. Korea crisis
US sees most active flu season since 2009 ‘swine’ pandemic
IMF: Venezuela inflation will increase 13,000% this year
Brazil judge seizes ex-President Lula’s passport
After Hawaii false alarm, lawmakers want POTUS, DoD involved in alerts
US Treasury Dept reveals new details about the Taliban’s network
The Doomsday Clock just ticked closer to midnight
Venezuelan refugees in Colombia face deportation threat.


The Russia threat is real — and it matters
Is it illegal to call someone a Nazi?
Nigeria’s Boko Haram attacks in numbers – as lethal as ever
Ethiopia could be sitting on one of the world’s great untapped gold deposits
Russia says new U.S. sanctions are destructive step, will retaliate
Catalan officials deny receiving CIA warning ahead of Barcelona attack
Russia is ready to ‘kill thousands and thousands’ of British people.
US, Europe huddle on Iran after Trump ultimatum
Will Russia Build 8,000 Nuclear Weapons by 2026?
Germany sends tanks to Lithuania as part of increased NATO presence


Fears over US-Turkey military confrontation in Syria
US drones ‘wiping out’ Shabaab in Somalia: AU mission head
Why Israel’s New F-35 Stealth Fighters Are a Game-Changer
The US just changed course in Syria — and could confront Iran
Turkey’s Erdogan threatens to expand Syria border offensive
Kurdish forces call on Damascus in fight against Turkey.
Iran leader said eyeing ways to muzzle ‘Mad Dog’ internet
Trump threatens to stop aid to Palestinians
Bigger Iran Military Budget Could Mean More Proxy Wars
A Reagan Doctrine for Iran?


Mattis: US could ‘fight tonight’ if S. Korea attacked
Will India and Asean serve as a counterbalance to China?
China-India tension: Satellite imagery shows Doklam plateau build-up
Despite sanctions, North Korea exported coal to South and Japan
Unease mixes with excitement as Pyeongchang awaits the world
Okinawa governor says U.S. military ‘crazy, ‘out of control’
Philippines warns powerful volcanic eruption may still come
China unveils huge plans for the Arctic, with ‘Polar Silk Road’ on the way
US-S. Korean war games will go on after Olympics, Pentagon says
Japan Deploys First of Ten F-35A Jets Purchased From US



Travel Security

The U.S. Dept. of State Travel Website is the authoritative federal source for information on the security situation at travel destinations worldwide. With tensions rapidly increasing in most regions, readers planning international travel, even to such common destinations as Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean Islands, are strongly encouraged to do a little research on the security situation well prior to departure.

Major USGOV Travel Notices

Europe Travel Alert

Worldwide Caution


The Department of State’s Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) provides several resources to enhance the safety and security of the U.S. private sector abroad. Additional information can be found on

Mariners and U.S. citizens considering maritime travel should also review information at the websites of the National Geospatial Agency, the Maritime Security Communications with Industry Portal, and the U.S. Coast Guard for information related to maritime and port security globally.

Additional Sources of Travel Guidance

Canada Dept. of Foreign Affairs

Australia Dept. of Foreign Affairs

UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office



Threat Journal Subscription Button - ALLOW IMAGES


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.



Via: threatjournal

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-27-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.


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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

DoD and VA Release Online Tool to Assist Veterans with Discharge Upgrade Process

01/25/2018 04:13 PM CST

No. NR-022-18
Jan. 25, 2018

DoD and VA Release Online Tool to Assist Veterans with Discharge Upgrade Process

The Department of Defense, through a joint initiative with the Department of Veterans Affairs, is pleased to announce the launch of a web-based tool that will provide customized guidance to veterans who desire to upgrade or change the conditions of their military discharge. “We are thrilled to have partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs in developing this wonderful and easily-accessible tool,” said Mr. Robert Wilkie, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. “We support our veterans, whether they served recently or long ago, and we are excited to introduce a tool that will individualize the guidance for those who desire an upgrade or change in their military discharge,” he said.

Over the years, some veterans have criticized the review process as daunting or difficult to understand. The issuance of supplemental guidance over the past few years, while helpful to many, has the side effect of creating multiple guidance documents that can be confusing to some. Furthermore, some veterans suffer from mental health or other conditions that make tasks like these more difficult for them than for others.

This innovative tool simplifies and customizes the guidance. By answering a few short questions, veterans will know which board they need to go to, what form to fill out, any special guidance applicable to their case, where to send their application, and some helpful tips for appealing their discharge. Any veterans who believe their discharge was unjust, erroneous, or warrants an upgrade are encouraged to use this tool and then apply for review.

This tool can be found on at: The link is also available on Military OneSource ( and each of the review board’s websites (listed below). The link has also been forwarded to a number of Veterans Service Organizations and Military Service Organizations in order to spread the news to as many Veterans as possible.

This initiative was one of many in recent years aimed at improving the review process and guidance available to veterans who believe they may have been unfairly discharged or received an unfair discharge characterization. The Department issued special guidance in 2011 for veterans discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” or its predecessor policies. Also, the Department issued guidance related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2014.  Most recently, in February 2016, the Department redoubled its efforts to ensure veterans received the benefit of the latest guidance and statutes of limitations were liberally waived in such cases.  Subsequently, in December 2016, the Department launched an internal review of its policies and procedures. That review disclosed some gaps and confusion in the previous guidance.  In August 2017, the Department issued significant guidance clarifying how review boards will consider cases involving mental health conditions, including PTSD, TBI, sexual assault, or sexual harassment.

For information on a specific board, please contact the board directly or through its website at:

Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records

Phone: 240-612-5379
E-mail: [email protected]

Air Force Discharge Review Board:

Phone: 240-612-0995
E-mail: [email protected]

Army Board for Correction of Military Records:
E-mail: [email protected]

Army Discharge Review Board:
E-mail: [email protected]

Navy Board for Correction of Naval Records:
Phone: 703-607-6111
E-mail: [email protected]

Navy Discharge Review Board:
Phone: 202-685-6600
E-mail: [email protected]

To submit feedback on related Department policies or processes:

Send an e-mail to [email protected], or mail your feedback to Office of Legal Policy at:

Office of Legal Policy
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness)
4000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-4000


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-26-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.


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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Free Homesteading, Cooking, Prepper, Survival Kindle eBooks for 01-25-18

Free Kindle Survival Homesteading Books

Free Homesteading, cooking, Survival, , and Prepping Kindle ebooks? Yes FREE Kindle ebooks!! Every now and then Amazon runs special offers on some of their Kindle ebooks, making them free for a limited time (usually just 24 hours).

I will check Amazon on regularly basis for their free Kindle ebooks in related subjects such as survival, homesteading and prepping etc. I will do all the leg-work for you so you don’t have to. You can just come back here regularly, so make sure to bookmark this blog.

These ebooks are only free for a limited time so if you are interested in one make sure you get it right away so you don’t lose out!

Remember you DON’T need a kindle to take advantage of these! There are FREE kindle apps for most major platforms!! iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac and Android. You can find those apps here!

Always check price before engaging, to make sure it hasn’t returned to full price.


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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.