Category Archive: Money

Your Money is not protected

It’s 2013 and Andrew’s Savings Have Just Been Confiscated By The Government…

…just like tens of thousands of other account holders,  some losing as much as 47.5% of their savings overnight…

Andrew’s still not exactly sure how much he lost, but it could be in the hundreds of thousands…
…and it was all 100% legal because of a bank “bail-in” law.
Even though we’re talking about Cyprus, and not America, according to one former banker this same thing could happen to U.S. banks thanks to bill H.R. 4173.
How safe would your retirement savings be if the U.S. decided to execute on bill H.R. 4173?
How would potentially losing access to massive amounts of your retirement savings affect your ability to…

  • Pay your mortgage
  • Pay for medical bills
  • Pay for groceries

You probably wouldn’t want to find out right?

So what is bill H.R. 4173.

It is a  new law of the land and It was signed into law in 2010 under then President Barack Hussein Obama.

It’s known under many different names:

  • The Dodd-Frank Act.
  • Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  • Public Law 111–203
  • H.R. 4173
  • Bank Bail-In (Google this search phrase: Dodd–Frank Bail–In)

The law states that U.S. banks may take its depositors funds (i.e. your checking, savings, CD’s, IRA & 401(k) accounts) and use those funds when necessary to keep itself, the bank, afloat.

That means:

  • if your bank makes bad investments in derivatives
  • or makes bad loans to sub-prime borrowers
  • or manages the bank poorly and can’t service its debt
  • or even worse the U.S. economy has another 2008 collapse

Instead of that bank going bankrupt and the banks assets sold off to be given back to its depositors…

Now the bank simply keeps your money and guess what? The bank is no longer bankrupt.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

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