Election results are already in: Para Bellum

I know the election is still hanging in the balance, but there’s something important you need to know and prepare for.

You see, regardless of who wins, the results coming down the pike from this election are already clear.


“Si vis pacem, para bellum” – If you want peace, prepare for war.


Here’s why:


If Trump wins, there will be more looting, rioting, and civil unrest.

BLM Square already erupted in violence on election night, and nothing was close to being decide.


And it’s clear agitators are just itching to set off the powder keg across the nation.


On the political side, Democrats have already promised to punish Republicans for confirming Amy Coney Barret to the Supreme Court.


So, you can count on endless calls for investigations, more sham impeachment attempts, and basically government gridlock.


If Biden wins, Joe will likely be ousted within a year of taking office due to his obvious health issues.


They’ll invoke the 25th Amendment, which means Harris will become President and Pelosi the VP.


Then you’ll see the extreme left try to push their full Socialist agenda on America.


Free speech will be assailed like never before in our history…


Gun control bills will be coming hot and heavy…


Industry will be slowly nationalized…


Taxes will soar…


And politicians will let the activists off the chain to run wild in the streets until they get their way.


So you can see, regardless of the winner, there is much more civil and political strife coming our way.


Our freedoms will still be in jeopardy with a Trump victory – maybe not federally, but on a local level.


So depending where you live, things could get crazy.

And all this would be truly scary stuff.


If you weren’t prepared in advance for it.


But you easily can be.


Simply cutting through the clutter and seeing what’s clearly going on is step one.


Then, revisit your self-defense and home defense plans.


Make sure everything is dialed-in and people know their role.


Double check your bags and gear.


Clean your guns. Top off your magazines


Stock the fridge, freezer, pantry, and survival food cache.


Plan your bug-out routes.


And decide on what would trigger you to activate any or all of your plans.


When would you bug out? And why?


What event or events would be a red-line for you?


Knowing you’re ready, and having your boundaries in place while things are still relatively quiet will bring you a sense of peace.


This way, you’re not forced to make decisions on the fly about certain high-pressure issues, because you’ll have already done it.


Then, in the event your red-line gets crossed, you’ll know exactly what to do, and you can calmly go about enacting your plans.


By doing these simple things now, today, before the storm hits the shore.


You’ll give yourself the best chance at both physical and mental peace.


In other words, never stop planning and preparing to protect your family.


Stay Safe.

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.



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