Make Apple Cider Vinegar from Scraps

This method uses scraps, like the peels and cores (minus the seeds). I like this method because I get to eat my apples and make vinegar too. It takes around two months to complete the process.

You’ll need:
-a large bowl or wide-mouth jar (I use an old sun tea jar)
-apple scraps from 12 or more apples or 10 apples cut into thin slices (and a little sugar to make it ferment faster)
-a piece of cheesecloth for covering the jar to keep out flies and debris
-optional – I added about 1/2 c of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother (this really is optional – it will work just fine without)

Leave the scraps to air. They’ll turn brown, which is exactly what you want. Add the apple scraps to the jar and top it up with water.

You can continue to add scraps for a few more days if you want. If you’re going to do this though, be sure don’t top the jar right up, leave some room for the new scraps and a little bit of room (not much 1/2 inch is more than enough) for the fermenting process.

Cover with the cheesecloth and put it in a warm, dark place. On top of the refrigerator toward the back is fine. Bring it down and stir occasionally.

You’ll notice the contents of the jar starts to thicken after a few days and a grayish scum forms on top (this is the mother).

When this happens, stop adding scraps and leave the jar for a month to 6 months to ferment.

After about a month you can start taste-testing it. When it’s just strong enough for you, strain out the apple scraps and bottle the vinegar.

It’s OK if your vinegar is cloudy, there will be some sediment from the apples and what’s known as “the mother”. If you don’t like the cloudiness though, straining it through a paper coffee filter will remove most of the sediment.

That’s it – super easy.


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