Guarding Your Health during the Crisis – Survival Medicine

When it comes to survival medicine, most people instinctively think of a wild setting, perhaps in the mountains, where people with broken legs try to fight off forest beasts.

And maybe a couple centuries ago, this would be very precise. But now, in the 21st century and in today`s economic climate, survival medicine should be more about keeping yourself healthy during the looming crisis.

Just think about it: this crisis could last for months or even years. People will have more trouble making money than ever before and it will difficult to keep your family well-fed and healthy. But you know that saying: where there`s a will, there`s a way.

For example, published a basic guide to maintaining health in disaster conditions:

Survival Health Tip #1: Drink plenty of water

This should be your top priority during a disaster or crisis. Dehydration is very tricky, it sets in without even feeling it and it affects the whole body. Even a 5 percent loss of body fluids can lead to thirst, irritability, nausea, and weakness.

So here`s what you can do to avoid dehydration:

Drink small amounts of water as often as you can, even when you`re not thristy. Just a sip or two every 15 minutes will do.

Replace the water you drink. This way, you`ll always have a spare stock of water in case you run out.

Drink water when eating.It helps your digestion and prevents your body from dehydrating.

Rationalize water. By this, I don`t mean drink less water than you need. You should simply avoid wasting water. Monitor how much water your family drinks every day and try to eliminate any excess.

Survival Health Tip #2:

Eat little, but often

You don`t need a big meal to fight off hunger. In fact, it`s better if you eat small amounts of food more often. The key here is variety. Your body needs both plant foods and animal foods, so it`s important to keep a good balance.

Try to eat more plant foods than meat, as they are healthier. However, eating meat is necessary, as it is more nourishing and produces more energy and heat.

– Eat nuts and seeds every day, as snacks. They`re high in protein and oils which give you lots of energy and help your body function normally.

Include roots, green vegetables, and plant food containing natural sugar
in your meals. They provide calories and carbohydrates that give the body natural energy.

Plant a small garden close to your house. This way, you`ll have fresh produce anytime you need it. Also, gardening is a very relaxing activity that will release you of all the stress any crisis brings.

Raise a few chicken, if you can. Eggs and meat will be hard to find and expensive during the crisis, so raising your own chicken can be the perfect solution.

Survival Health Tip #3: Keep your body clean at all times

This may seem like a no brainer, but in times of crisis, hygiene immediately drops two positions to water and food. These become top priorities, as they`re harder to obtain, so most efforts concentrate around keeping your family fed and hydrated.

But if you don`t respect proper hygiene, first, let me show you what measures you should take to prevent infections and other hygiene-related illnesses:

Wash your whole body with water and soap every single day. If you can`t take a daily shower, use a cloth and soapy water or even some Pampers wet wipes.

Brush your teeth twice a day. No exceptions. In times of crisis, it`s even more important to keep your teeth healthy, as good dentists are quite expensive. Also, if you`ve ever experienced toothaches, you know what a torture that is. And you know the pain doesn`t go away with just a painkiller. So avoid wasting money on tons of pills and pricey doctors by taking good care of your teeth.

Always keep your hands clean. Your hands carry billions of germs that you can easily ingest, so wash them after you`ve touched anything likely to carry germs. Also, keep your nails trimmed and clean and out of your mouth.

Via: myfamilysurvivalplan

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