Monthly Archives: October 2017

The REAL Walking Dead?

This may seem like a weird question to you, but I’m DEAD SERIOUS…

Are you prepared for the “zombie apocalypse”?


Now before you click away, thinking this is some “fantasy b.s.” about the threat of face-munching living dead rising out of the ground… give me just a minute of your time because…


While I don’t ever see any “Walking Dead” scenario playing out in real life, there ARE some key lessons you can take away from the television show and…


Here Are 3 “Walking Dead” Lessons
For Surviving A Real Collapse…


1. The REAL “Zombie Threat” In A Collapse

If you watch The Walking Dead show, you’ll know that the biggest threat to the main characters is not the actual zombies.

The real threat is “other people” – the “unprepared” fighting for survival after a disaster or collapse!


Because unprepared people are desperate.

And desperate people are not good to be around in a crisis.

When their short supply runs out, normal, law-abiding citizens quickly turn on their fellow human beings.

And the number one target for these “zombies” is YOU.

The prepared. The ready.

The ones with water, food, medicine, and ammo.


2. REAL Zombies Are Smarter Than You Think

If The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it’s that it doesn’t matter how nice strangers may seem.

Desperate, scared citizens will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what you have.

Whenever I get on stage to talk to large groups of “preppers” at conventions, I always make sure they realize that when other people caught in a disaster or collapse realize YOU have something they need, they’ll start by “asking” you to share your stuff.

Of course you’ll have to say “no” in order to be able to provide for your own family, right?

But asking turns to begging… begging turns to demanding… and demanding turns to TAKING – potentially by force!

Stockpiling supplies does you no good when someone else takes them, or worse… you’re dead!


3. Is Your Home “Zombie Proof”?

As much as I’m sure you’d like to just hunker down in an emergency, The Walking Dead has taught us that shelters are always temporary.

While your home does give you extra protection initially, all that could change depending on how things play out around you.

Civil unrest… martial law… bands of looters…

No matter how many guns you have or how much ammo you have stockpiled, you’re no match for military-supplied “gun-confiscation teams” or a horde of anger-fueled mobs looting homes one-by-one.

In those moments, you’ll need to decide whether your supplies are worth your life.

They aren’t.

Therefore, you must be prepared to bug out on a moment’s notice.

Always have an exit strategy.


How To Survive The REAL “Zombie Apocalypse”

Surviving a collapse or wide-scale long-term disaster (like a grid-down scenario, pandemic, etc.) means you need more than just some stockpiled canned goods and a “Looters Will Be Shot” sign on your front lawn.

You MUST learn how “other people” will become your primary threat… and how to protect yourself and those you love when the military take over and crowds start looting and rioting.


This upcoming (free!) survival workshop is a good place to start.


In it, I’ll give you sound advice for navigating the post-disaster landscape.

While we don’t cover flesh-eating zombies, I WILL discuss the more dangerous type—the living “zombies” unprepared for a crisis—and how to avoid becoming one of their victims.


Go ahead and register your seat now while there’s still room…


I’ll share with you how FEMA makes these “zombies” totally dependent on the government for help.


The Walking Dead isn’t real, but the threats from desperate people are VERY real!


Join the free survival workshop this week and let me show you how to defeat these threats… and protect what is yours!

Prepare. Train. Survive.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.



via:  MCS Magazine

How To Form A Survival Group

We live in an uncertain world and with each passing day, more and more people decide to become survivalists and preppers. Unfortunately the path that most of these people chose is the path of the lone wolf. Although many aspects of preparedness tend to focus on the individual, history showed us that a united force is stronger. Such formation has more chances of survival than a single individual. Forming a survival group should be taken into consideration by all preppers. The following suggestions will help you to get started.

Humans made it so far because we are social beings and we often depend on networks of people to get things done. It doesn’t matter if you are at work or if you are at home, a good network of people can make your life easier. It will provide you with emotional support and it gives you a sense of security. In an emergency situation a survival group would make a whole lot of sense because you are building an alliance that will help you survive and thrive when things go south.

Some may say that forming a survival group is hard and it takes a lot of work, but that is just a matter of perspective. I admit that may be true for some, especially for those from large communities where people will look at you “funny” just for saying you are a prepper. The larger the community, the harder it will be to form a trustworthy group. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to try and do your best to raise awareness about emergency preparedness. In today’s modern world social isolation is your worst enemy when it comes to forming a survival group. We are hooked to the digital network and we have thousands of friends, and yet…we spend most of our days alone. You can’t count on your digital friends when disaster strikes and you have to put your faith in real people.

However, if you are part of a smaller community, one that is not fond of “city folks” you have better chances of getting your survival group. Smaller communities have a bond that was perpetuated for centuries and the members of such communities care for each other. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should move out of the city, although it might be a good idea. I just want to let you know what your chances of forming a survival group are, based on your social environment.

How to get your own survival group:

Reaching out to people

You can’t form a survival group without letting people know about your intentions. Reaching out to people can be difficult for some, while for other is just like making another sale at the office. If you live in a big city, it may be harder to form a survival group. The first thing you have to do is try to reach out to friends and people you know best. Once you have a few friends that are interested in your group you can establish meetings to discuss more about the subject. You can also join social media groups from your area that are interested in preparedness and survival. Go to the meetings, know people and let them know about your survival group if you find them trustworthy.

However, if you are part of a smaller community, even a barbecue can be a good occasion to start discussing about forming a survival group. Invite some friends and neighbors over to enjoy a good steak and a cold beer. Bring up the subject when you get the occasion. Don’t make it a big announcement and don’t be ecstatic, but rather bring up the subject with nonchalance. You can see how things go on from there. By the end of the day you will form an opinion on whom to contact in the coming weeks.

A Survival Group means Safety First

Safety in numbers is a tactic mankind has used since the Stone Age and it works! A group of people offers more protection than an individual ever could. It provides a sense of security to each member that is part of your survival group. In any survival situation there are many dangers that simply cannot be handled by a single person. During civil unrest, the unprepared will go after your supplies when they get desperate. Being part of a survival group will make sure your supplies are protected. People can take turns sleeping and keeping watch. If you are injured or sick you cannot provide food or security and having backup is important.

The same goes for defending your community, the more firepower you have the better your chances of survival. This is the main argument that you should bring up when discussing with people about forming a survival group. If they understand what safety in numbers means for their future, they will join your alliance.

Spreading the work is easier if you have a survival group

Having a group of people working together during a crisis will greatly enhance what gets done. It will increase your chances of survival, regardless the nature of the disaster. You can’t know it all and most certainly you can’t do it all. It is much easier to get things done when you have the proper help and it is crucial to have the right skill set for certain survival chores. A survival group will allow each individual to focus on what he or she does best. Just look at primitive skills alone, how many of you wouldn’t love to have in your survival group the guy building tools and shelters from scratch using wood and mud, the one with those amazing YouTube videos.

A group of people working together will be more efficient because there will be those who “specialize” on certain skills and you can get a whole lot more done in less time with a group. In a survival situation time is of the essence and a lone wolf can’t do everything right under pressure. Let people know about the strengths of your group and how it can help them in an uncertain future.

A survival group will maximize resources

A survival group can bring more resources to the table than an individual. This means that water, food, fuel and tools can be used for the survival of the entire group. Some may stockpile extra fuel, others may hoard tools due to their “antique value”. There are also those who stockpile food to feed an entire neighborhood. If you put all the resources together and you assure a correct distribution for each member of the survival group, you will have to worry less about the future. Not to mention that a survival group provides a resource that increases significantly with each member: knowledge. My grandfather used to say that it’s easy to teach someone how to fire a weapon or build a chicken coop. However, you can never copy the skill sets underlined by a lifetime of training.

Since humans are the most important resources for every survival group, having people in your group like a doctor, a mechanic, a welder and so on, will increase the value of life for the entire alliance. Remember that when you talk with people about resources, you have to be as vague as possible. Your main point of focus should not be the items, don’t brag about your resources. You should put emphasis on the human resources you have and how they can keep the group safe.

A survival group is an important emotional support

During a crisis scenario people will break down faster than machines and they will need someone to pick them up. A survival group can provide an important amount of emotional support. It can help people withstand stress for long periods of time. If you have a strong emotional network, you can cope with whatever the future throws at you during a crisis. Every survival group should be able to deal with issues that work to empower each individual in it. The members from your survival group should feel that their concerns and suggestions are taken into consideration and the need of involvement varies based on the individual.

Being able to read people is important when creating a survival group. You have to give credit where credit is due for. When you discuss with people about forming a survival group, learn to listen and don’t try to hijack the conversation or the suggestions being debated. Don’t be the know-it-all type and let people participate and express themselves. If you can make people feel comfortable inside the group and if you give them the attention they need, your survival group will last in time.

Every survival group needs a leader

This is a general rule and every group needs a leader, regardless if it’s a football team, a marketing team or a form of government. In a survival situation, having a leader will make sure things run effectively and nobody will be left on the outside. Most survival groups perish because the leadership issue is handled poorly. Before you solidify any survival group you have to think about leadership, something that must be agreed upon.

The military doesn’t use a democratic model because voting is not the quickest way to respond to a crisis. Not to mention that qualifications have to be taken into account when you take a decision that can cost the lives of your team. From my point of view, the best way to deal with it would be a leadership rotation. Each person should take a turn during a non-life-threatening situation and everyone should agree to this plan.

For life-threatening events the survival group must have one individual as the recognized leader. The leader should be established based on vote and qualifications. This way, anything he or she decides is to be acted on without deliberations to expedite a quicker and more effective response. Make sure you let people know about how your survival group is governed and how they can take part in the decision making process. People will join easier if they know these details from the start.

A survival group is also about thriving

Forming a survival group will keep you alive, but that’s not the main goal. Apart from prepping for worst-case scenarios, your survival group will keep you alive after the downfall. People need to understand that it’s all about what comes after the crisis and we might not be able to return to what the world once was. Lone wolves can and probably will survive a disaster, but what will they do after? No matter how much you will struggle, you will never be able to accomplish what a group can and sooner or later you will need some help.

If you plan on providing food for your loved ones, agriculture is the long term way to go, and most of the times you need a number of people to make this work. What if you get sick, who will take care of your chores, who will take care of you? You need to survive, but afterwards you need to thrive. When you discuss with people about forming a survival group, don’t go for the lone wolves, they will never join your group and they will make you feel like you are fighting a losing battle.

Forming a survival group is a challenge for anyone and it requires a lot of determination. Just because you’re a prepper or survivalists doesn’t mean you have to be a lone wolf. Try and form an alliance with like-minded people and build long lasting relationships if you want to survive to whatever the future might bring. United we stand and we thrive!


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


via:  prepperswill


From AlertsUSA


US B-1 bombers fly over Korean Peninsula - ALLOW IMAGES

SecDef Mattis: N. Korea Nuclear Threat Accelerating


October 28, 2017


Between Oct. 25-27, the following related Flash SMS messages were sent to AlertsUSA subscriber mobile devices:


10/27 – SecDef Mattis in Korea: “A nuclear N. Korea will never be accepted by the US.” + “Any use of nuclear weapons will be met with a massive military response.”

10/25 – N. Korean Official: US must take “literally” threat from Foreign Min of “strongest hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific Ocean” More via email.

What You Need To Know

On eight occasions this week AlertsUSA subscribers were notified via SMS messages to their mobile devices regarding safety and security matters.

On Wednesday subscribers were notified of a warning made by a senior N. Korean diplomat within which he stated that America must take “literally” the threat of North Korea conducting a possible atmospheric nuclear test over the Pacific Ocean. During an interview with U.S. media within which he referred to last month’s threat by the N. Korean Foreign Minister that the country could conduct the “strongest hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific Ocean”, Ri Yong Pil, Deputy Director of the Department of North American Affairs for the North Korean Foreign Ministry stated the following:

“The foreign minister is very well aware of the intentions of our supreme leader, so I think you should take his words literally.”

The threat of a nuclear test came as North Korea renewed its warning that America was provoking a military conflict by holding joint naval exercises aa prelude to nuclear war. At present, there are are three aircraft carrier strike groups within the 7th fleet area of operation, which includes the western Pacific and Indian Ocean. This is over and above the continual buildup of other forces across the region, including in S. Korea, Japan and on Guam.

Late this week, U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis was in S. Korea to meet with his counterparts as well as U.S and Korean troops. During a visit to at a military observation post inside the Demilitarized Zone, Secretary Mattis told soldiers, “We’re doing everything we can to solve this diplomatically – everything we can.”

During a Security Consultative Meeting with ROK government and military officials in Seoul late Friday, Secretary Mattis emphasized the following:

“Make no mistake – any attack on the United States or our allies will be defeated, and any use of nuclear weapons by the North will be met with a massive military response that is effective and overwhelming.”

Readers are reminded that just last week, CIA Director Mike Pompeo warned that N. Korea is only months away from perfecting its nuclear weapons capabilities and their goal of being able to strike the United States. His comments were made just about the same time as N. Korea was carrying out a test firing of a new solid fuel rocket engine believed to be intended for their ICBM program. Unlike liquid-fueled rocket motors which require significant launch preparation times, solid-fueled rocket engines can be prepared in advance, stored and fired with little or no warning.

Once again AlertsUSA urges readers to not get lost in the rhetoric and posturing between Pyongyang and Washington, and to keep the following realities clearly in mind: 1.) N. Korea now possesses nuclear weapons, 2.) N. Korea now possesses ballistic missiles capable of intercontinental ranges (and they continue to refine those capabilities), and 3.) without some form of definitive intervention, it is almost assured that these nuclear and missile capabilities will ultimately be exported to other nations such as Iran, as well as sold to non-state actors with deep enough pockets.

It is increasingly unlikely that N. Korea will voluntarily give up their nuclear weapons program regardless of pressure from other nations, severity of economic sanctions, hardship imposed on it’s citizens, etc.. To do so would almost certainly be viewed as defeat by N. Korea’s ruling elite and result in the end of the Kim family dynasty.

War is in the air.

AlertsUSA continues to monitor the overall domestic and international threat environment, and will immediately notify service subscribers via SMS messages of new alerts, warnings and advisories or any developments which signal a change the overall threat picture for American citizens as events warrant.


10/27 – US Embassy Madrid warns of demonstrations & possible violence flwg Catalonia parliament’s vote just hours ago to formally break from Spain. See email for more.

10/24 – Nov 4-6 DoD will hold a nationwide comms interoperability exercise simulating a coronal mass ejection impact disrupting the national power grid. More via email.

10/22 – AlertsUSA monitoring reported hostage situation at bowling alley, Bermuda Park, Warwickshire, UK. Multi-block area on lock down. Add’l alerts as warranted.

10/22 – Overnight: Islamic State media org releases new posters warning of forthcoming attacks in the U.S. and Russia. See email for samples.

AlertsUSA Service for Mobile Devices - ALLOW IMAGES

* Threat Info Direct to Your Mobile Device
* Get Away Early, Give Your Family Extra Safety.
* In Wide Use By Gov, 1st Responders, Travelers.
* 24/7/365 Monitoring. No Hype. Just the Bad Stuff.
* Issued Hours and Days before the MSM.
* On your Cell Phone, Tablet or Email.
* We Give The Clear Truth, Unlike the MSM.
* 15 Years in Operation!

We are NOT part of the government.
In fact, they are our customers!


Soldiers fire an M252A1 81mm mortar system at a firing range at night in Grafenwoehr, Germany, Oct. 20, 2017. The soldiers are paratroopers assigned to Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne). Army photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander C. Henninger. - ALLOW IMAGES

World News Roundup


October 28, 2017


Other Developments We Are Following



US State Department warns against business with Russian firms
Intel committee needs to look into Clinton/DNC dossier payment
Trump’s Mexico border wall prototypes will be tested with hammers and axes
Colombian farmers keeping growing coca despite govt crackdown
Cuba says cicadas are behind the “sonic attacks” that injured US diplomats
JFK Assassination Records – 2017 Additional Documents Released Here
Further isolation of Venezuela may be needed: Latin American group.
More than 73,000 Puerto Ricans flee for Florida after Hurricane Maria


Putin test-fires ballistic missiles in strategic nuclear force drills
Car-Bomb Murders Terrify Ukraine’s Capital
Beyond Catalonia: pro-independence movements in Europe
How the Catalan crisis could send shockwaves across Europe
Spanish PM axes Catalan government after region declares independence
EU preparing for no deal Brexit, says Michel Barnier’s adviser
Greece: reeling from austerity and a broken economy
Hungary orders spies to target Soros ‘empire’.


With Coffers Draining, ISIS May Seek Donations & Step Up Crime
Inside the Secret Mission That Got a Navy SEAL Killed in Africa
The House of Saud is still in denial
Denied Again: Kirkuk and the Dream of an Independent Kurdistan –
Debunking Myths About the Kurds, Iraq, and Iran
Canada suspends special forces training and assistance mission in Iraq
Syria war: Assad Government to blame for deadly chemical attack, UN says.
Tillerson sees ‘no future’ for Assad, his family in Syria
Hamas security chief survives ‘assassination attempt’


S. Korea Reveals Plan to Hit North With Huge Missile Barrage If War Erupts
The secretive lives of Kim Jong-un’s siblings
Speculation rife as to whether Xi aims to ‘recapture’ Taiwan
China’s Xi Jinping Era: The Chinese president has cemented his position
Refurbished Chinese carrier is not combat-ready, experts say
Not just China: US seeks Russia’s help, too, with NKorea
Is India Starting to Flex Its Military Muscles?
‘Death to blasphemers’ increasing as political rallying cry in Pakistan
New US Treasury sanctions target North Korean military, labor camps
Trump’s upcoming Asia trip: Japan proposes plan to counter China

Travel Security Update

The U.S. Dept. of State is the authoritative federal source for information on the security situation at travel destinations worldwide. With tensions rapidly increasing in most regions, readers planning on international travel, even to such common destinations as Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean Islands, are strongly encouraged to do a little research on the security situation well prior to departure.

Latest USGOV Travel Alerts and Warnings

SoPac Cyclone Season




DR Congo







Worldwide Caution


Additional Sources of Travel Guidance

Canada Dept. of Foreign Affairs

Australia Dept. of Foreign Affairs

UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Threat Journal Subscription Button - ALLOW IMAGES


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: threatjournal

DoD to conduct Nationwide EMP Drill

Nov 4-6 DoD will hold a nationwide communications interoperability exercise simulating a coronal mass ejection impact disrupting the national power grid.


The following press release was issued a short time ago by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and U.S. Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS):


Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set

Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part.

“This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

During the exercise, a designated DOD Headquarters entity will request county-by-county status reports for the 3,143 US counties and county equivalents, in order to gain situational awareness and to determine the extent of impact of the scenario. Army and Air Force MARS organizations will work in conjunction with the Amateur Radio community, primarily on the 60-meter interoperability channels as well as on HF NVIS frequencies and local VHF and UHF, non-Internet linked Amateur Radio repeaters.
Again this year, a military station on the east coast and the Fort Huachuca, Arizona, HF station will conduct a high-power broadcast on 60-meter channel 1 (5330.5 kHz) on Saturday from 0300 to 0315 UTC. New this year will be an informational broadcast on Sunday, on 13,483.5 kHz USB from 1600 to 1615 UTC. Amateur Radio operators should monitor these broadcasts for more information about the exercise and how they can participate in this communications exercise, English said.

“We want to continue building on the outstanding cooperative working relationship with the ARRL and the Amateur Radio community,” English said. “We want to expand the use of the 60-meter interop channels between the military and amateur community for emergency communications, and we hope the Amateur Radio community will give us some good feedback on the use of both the 5-MHz interop and the new 13-MHz broadcast channels as a means of information dissemination during a very bad day scenario.


Unsaid in this release is the fact that this exercise is also crucial to national preparedness for possible man-made EMPs via Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) devices and High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP). IMEIs and HEMPs are produced by devices designed specifically to disrupt or destroy electronic equipment, or by the detonation of a nuclear device high above the earth’s atmosphere.


Don’t know or want more info? Maybe you should read up on EMP’s:


North Korea threat: EMP attack can destroy a nation’s entire infrastructure in a flash

‘Very Few People Understand How Great and Imminent the EMP Threat Is’

EMP Threat: ‘Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead’

Carrington Class: “The World Escaped an EMP Catastrophe”

“Super EMP” Capable of Disabling Power Grid Across Lower 48 States

Life After An EMP Attack: No Power, No Food, No Transportation, No Banking And No Internet

EMP Survival & The First 15 Things You Must Do Immediately After An EMP

Tips You Must Remember to Protect Your Vehicle from an EMP

Prepare for a large-scale nuclear EMP attack over North-America



Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.



via: AlertsUSA

Survival Intelligence Methods For SHTF

Most of us store as much as we can. We train as much as we can. We read as much as we can and we hope to be as prepared as possible. Of course, we all know that there is a limit to what we can truly be prepared for. There is just too much variability.

There are several areas of weakness in most preppers plans and one that always stands out to me is intelligence. It’s post-disaster information. How are you going to know when to react if looking out the windows is the extent of your survival intelligence plan.

How do you plan to have a steady stream of intel coming into your home or command center during a serious disaster? Once the lights go out and the WIFI is gone how will you get the information you need?

This intelligence is critical because it will allow you to make decisions based on your own personal survival. During an emergency, we often look to those with a public voice for direction. We look to the news, radio or a presidential address. Their job is to alert the public of the danger and give recommendations for safety.

What about imminent threats that are unique to your family or community?

What happens when those faces are gone and you cannot get the news on television anymore?

If you utilize these powerful, survival intelligence methods, you will be able to access knowledge in any situation. You will then use this knowledge to make critical decisions about the following:

  • Your Current Location
  • Evacuation
  • Defensive Strategy
  • Direction of Threat
  • Overall Conditions of the Area

There are three important methods you can use to create a flow of survival intelligence in times of disaster. These methods are very diverse and will take a unique person to be able to achieve all three methods.

Survival Intelligence Method #1


If you are looking to dig a little deeper than what the news media has agreed to tell you, think about consulting the police. I don’t mean calling them directly. Get yourself a handheld police scanner that will tap into their communications. This will allow you, at the very least, to see where the police presence is and what areas are being affected.

Are there riots? Injuries? What types of crimes or issues are happening in your area? The police will most likely be responding and the airwaves will be full of intelligence.

Survival Intelligence Method #2


This is one of the toughest channels to open in today’s world. We are facing serious isolation in our communities. Some of the very best information can come from people right in your neighborhood. They may work for the media or they may be first responders.

If we can learn to communicate with our neighbors on a daily or weekly basis we can take advantage of this community intel. In our neighborhood we are part of an app called Nextdoor. This allows us to have open channels of communication on various issues in the neighborhood.  It is a great app and one of the best ways for us to stay connected.

In the event of a low-grade disaster or storm we will use Nextdoor to check on older neighbors and people who may be at risk. In severe conditions we are more apt to come out of our homes and start talking about next steps. Get connected with your neighbors today.

Survival Intelligence Method #3


You may look at the drone craze and think of it as little more than kids’ toys. The drone world is much like anything else, there are levels. You have the cheap quadcopters that are nearly impossible to fly. They do little more than frustrate kids and parents. Then you have models in the $200+ range that get seriously functional.

Think about how the major news networks get their information. Many times, they are looking from the seat of a helicopter down on a scene. They bring this footage and their findings to you. Since you don’t have money for a helicopter you can use one of these quadcopter drones that features a powerful 4k camera to get your own birds eye view.

This can be particularly helpful when you are looking at damage to roads and routes out of town. The last thing you want to deal with is a traffic jam in a disaster situation. Invest in a reliable drone that can provide you with serious intelligence on your immediate surroundings.

As the host of the I AM Liberty Show I am always impressed by the steps my listeners take to stay prepared. They are some of the most knowledgeable people out there on the subject of readiness. It is rare that I hear people talking about an intelligence plan and how they will get the information needed to make snap decisions in a survival scenario.

I hope this article offers some answers and sparks some thoughts on the importance of survival intelligence and the tools you will need to gather it.


 Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

via:  prepperswill


From AlertsUSA


CIA: DPRK Perfecting Nuclear Arsenal Within Months





October 21, 2017


Between Oct. 18-21, the following related Flash SMS messages
were sent to
AlertsUSA subscriber mobile devices:

10/21 – Voice of America / Nelson Report: Sr admin officials warn, on background, of poss pre-emptive strike on DPRK, advises removal of personal assets from S. Korea. More via email.

10/20 – DPRK declares nuclear tests will continue, there will be no negotiations on nuclear program, and Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal is exclusively targeting the U.S..

10/19 – CIA Dir. Pompeo warns US sees DPRK “perfecting” its nuke capability within months. “We ought to behave as if they are on the cusp of achieving that directive.”

10/18 – N. Korean gov warns mil could stage an “unimaginable” strike on the US at an unimaginable time amid mobilization of nuclear strategic assets near the peninsula.

What You Need To Know

On eight occasions this week AlertsUSA subscribers were notified via SMS messages to their mobile devices regarding safety and security matters.

On Wednesday AlertsUSA subscribers were notified of a new threat issued via N. Korea’s Central News Agency warning the U.S. is “running amok by introducing under our nose the targets we have set as primary ones. The U.S. should expect that it would face an unimaginable strike at an unimaginable time.”The comments were made as dozens of U.S. warships, including the Nimitz-class supercarrier USS Ronald Reagan, began large-scale joint maritime exercises with S. Korea is waters off the Peninsula.

On Thursday CIA Director Mike Pompeo warned that N. Korea is only months away from perfecting its nuclear weapons capabilities. “They are close enough now in their capabilities that from a U.S. policy perspective we ought to behave as if we are on the cusp of them achieving” the objective of being able to strike the United States. The CIA Director’s comments were made during a presentation before the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, DC. Watch a video of the full session with Director Pompeo HERE.

On Friday AlertsUSA subscribers were notified of a declaration delivered by North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho within which he stated that N. Korea fully intends to continue carrying out nuclear weapons tests. Another foreign affairs official, Choe Son Hui, also publicly reaffirmed that there will be no negotiations concerning the country’s nuclear program and that Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal is exclusively targeting the U.S.. Both of these statements were delivered at the 2017 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference at the Center for Energy and Security Studies.

Readers are reminded that just four weeks ago, N. Korea threatened to carry out a hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific. U.S. analysts believe this may be a necessary next step for N. Korea as the steadily increasing yields of their six previous tests may have maxed out that which can be safely contained beneath the mountain at their Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Facility. In the latest test detonation carried out on September 3rd, international monitoring bodies estimate the explosive yield at a minimum of 120 kilotons (or about eight times the yield of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, and about six times that of the next previous test.)

Once again AlertsUSA warns that while the rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington continues to heat up, it is important to keep in mind the following realities: 1.) N. Korea now possesses nuclear weapons, 2.) N. Korea now possesses ballistic missiles capable of intercontinental ranges, and 3.) without some form of definitive diplomatic or military intervention, it is almost assured that these nuclear and missile capabilities will be exported to other nations such as Iran, as well as sold to non-state actors with deep enough pockets.

AlertsUSA continues to monitor the overall domestic and international threat environment, and will immediately notify service subscribers via SMS messages of new alerts, warnings and advisories or any developments which signal a change the overall threat picture for American citizens as events warrant.


10/18 – 3 dead, 2 wounded in earlier MD mass shooting. Suspect at large: RADEE LABEEB PRINCE, DOB 11/5/79, 2008 Black Chevy Acadia, DE Tag PC064273. Photo in email.

10/18 – AlertsUSA monitoring response to mass shooting, Emmorton Business Park, Harford County, MD. At least 5 victims, shooter remains at large. Caution if in area.

10/17 – AlertsUSA monitoring response to reports of active shooter, Howard University, Wash DC. Campus on lockdown. Add’l alerts as warranted.

10/16 – DHS warns Wi-Fi WPA2 connection protocol no longer secure. Home, work and public Wi-Fi access points now vulnerable to snooping. See email for more info.

AlertsUSA Service for Mobile Devices - ALLOW IMAGES

* Threat Info Direct to Your Mobile Device
* Get Away Early, Give Your Family Extra Safety.
* In Wide Use By Gov, 1st Responders, Travelers.
* 24/7/365 Monitoring. No Hype. Just the Bad Stuff.
* Issued Hours and Days before the MSM.
* On your Cell Phone, Tablet or Email.
* We Give The Clear Truth, Unlike the MSM.
* 15 Years in Operation!

We are NOT part of the government.
In fact, they are our customers!



DHS Warns ISIS, Al Qaeda Planning ‘9/11-Style’ Attack


October 21, 2017


On Oct. 17, the following related Flash SMS message
was sent to
AlertsUSA subscriber mobile devices:

10/17 – Overnight: Jihadist social media alight with calls for guerilla warfare style attacks in the West, others threaten 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.

What You Need To Know

On Tuesday AlertsUSA subscribers were warned of new calls by the Islamic State for supporters to carry out guerilla warfare style attacks in the West, as well as threats made to attack the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia to played across 11 cities in Russia from June 14 through July 15.

While the Islamic State would appear to be on it’s heels following devastating battlefield losses, including that of the de facto capital, Raqqa, counter-terrorism professional in the West know the battle is far from over. Many of the more than ten thousand foreign fighters in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere could eventually make their way back to the home countries, including the U.S. and EU member states, bringing along well-honed battlefield skills. According to EU Security Commissioner Sir Julian King, thousands could make their way back to Europe to unleash mayhem.

Earlier this week at the U.S. Embassy in London, acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elain Duke warned the Islamic State and other terrorist groups are planning to target more aircraft in a devastating plot to carry out another major attack on the scale of 9/11.

“The terrorist organizations, be it ISIS or al-Qaeda or others, want to have the big explosion like they did on 9/11. They want to take down aircraft, the intelligence is clear on that.”

Duke went on to say that in the interim they need to keep their finances flowing and they need to keep their visibility high and they need to keep their members engaged, so they are using small plots.

“Creating terror is their goal and so a van attack, a bladed weapon attack, causes terror and continues to disrupt the world – but does not mean they’ve given up on a major aviation plot.”

According to Aaron Y. Zelin of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “IS has a plan, and that is to wait out their enemies locally in order to gain time to rebuild their networks while at the same time provide inspiration to followers outside to keep fighting their enemies farther away.”

A service member jumps from a Navy MH-53E Sea Dragon helicopter during a mine warfare training event that U.S. and South Korean navy explosive ordnance disposal divers are conducting in Busan, South Korea, Oct. 19, 2017. Navy photo by Seaman William Carlisle. - ALLOW IMAGES

World News Roundup


October 21, 2017


Other Developments We Are Following


G7, Facebook, Google, Twitter agree on plan to counter Islamist terror
U.S. says 24 people harmed from recent ‘attacks’ in Cuba
Puerto Rico continues to struggle a month after Hurricane Maria
Brazil prosecutors investigate plan to give reconstituted food to poor people
Canada granting asylum to U.S. border crossers at higher rates
Unacceptably high’ number of Afghans flee military training in U.S.
The Army’s Latest Spy Planes Are Flying Hundreds of Hours Overseas
US Army Preps for Underground & Urban Warfare on Korean Peninsula
Should US military be betting the farm on stealth?


Middle Europe turns its back on the EU
Spain plans new elections in Catalonia to end independence bid
EU ‘running out of money’ to stop migrants travelling from Africa.
Britain wants Brexit accord but prepared for a ‘no deal’
Italian regions go to the polls in Europe’s latest referendums on autonomy
Anger over Donald Trump’s UK crime (radical Islamic terror) tweet
France’s Macron says Raqqa fall not end of battle against Islamic State
Syrian refugee detained in Greece on terror charge


Iranian commander issued stark warning to Iraqi Kurds over Kirkuk
Iraqi forces complete Kirkuk province takeover after clashes with Kurds
UAE on the verge of splitting Yemen in two’
Turkey worried Kurdish influence will grow in Syria after Raqqa
CentCom Still Planning Joint Exercises in Mideast Despite Qatar Dispute
Hamas must disarm to join Palestinian unity government – US.
Niger raid highlights US forces’ growing Africa role
Inside the Raqqa jail where ISIS held their betrayers (Must Watch)
35 Egyptian police officers killed in shootout in Giza
Malawi cracks down on ‘vampire’ lynch mobs.


When ‘The Donald’ meets ‘Duterte Harry’
China’s Xi Jinping consolidates power with new ideology
China’s : Xi Jinping Has Quietly Chosen His Own Successor
Top Chinese officials ‘plotted to overthrow Xi Jinping’
China’s communist party congress stirs echoes of South Africa
North Korea ‘rant’ letter shows sanctions are biting, says Australia’s PM
South Korea to push ahead with nuclear power plants.
NATO Is Building a ‘Silver Bullet’ to Destroy Russia’s New Tanks
Russian warships dock in Philippines as Manila cultivates new ties
North Korea is Building a Bigger, Better Missile Submarine

Travel Security Update

The U.S. Dept. of State is the authoritative federal source for information on the security situation at travel destinations worldwide. With tensions rapidly increasing in most regions, readers planning on international travel, even to such common destinations as Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean Islands, are strongly encouraged to do a little research on the security situation well prior to departure.

Latest USGOV Travel Alerts and Warnings



DR Congo







Worldwide Caution


Additional Sources of Travel Guidance

Canada Dept. of Foreign Affairs

Australia Dept. of Foreign Affairs

UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office

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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: threatjournal

Must-Have Canned Foods You may not Know Exist

14 Must-Have Canned Foods You Didn’t Know Existed

There’s a reason preppers and even just people who like a well-stocked pantry purchase canned goods. They hold up for a long time, years even. They’re generally easy to prepare, many items requiring no more preparation than a quick warming in order to make sure the food is free from harmful microorganisms. Cans also come ready to store, no extra prep needed to sock them away for long-term storage.

Plenty of staples like beans, soup, veggies, fruit, and pasta are commonly found in the average family’s pantry, and found in great quantities in preppers’ stores. Those staples would get boring quickly, though. If you’re looking to add some unique and exotic foods to your food storage for either variety in your diet or for trading, read on for a look at the following canned goods you didn’t know existed.

canned-brown-bread image

Bread- Canned bread is totally a thing, and it’s available in several different varieties. While it’s likely more practical to store ingredients to make your own bread for the long-term, canned bread could be a tasty, quick way to a full belly and to get some carbohydrates into your system. You can find Original and Raisin Brown Bread by B & M in many stores or online.

(B&M Brown Bread – plain and also B&M Brown Bread Raisin)

There is no cholesterol in this classic bread. While there’s no need to cook, you can slice it, toast it, bake it, microwave it*, or
use it for sandwiches with cheese and luncheon meats! You can also drop the can in boiling water after putting a hole in the can, and serve with butter. Made with water, whole wheat flour salt and corn oil, you’ll enjoy Brown Bread in a Can the New England way with the classic brick oven Boston baked beans.

Related: How to Make AmishSweet Bread


canned butter

Butter- Would you miss butter if you suddenly didn’t have access to the supermarket? No big deal, you can get that canned, too. There are a few brands of canned butter available, (canned butter) and it’s rather expensive since it’s not canned in the US. However, it’d be a lovely treat in a SHTF situation, and fat is a crucial part of the diet. For a less expensive canned butter, opt for powdered butter, instead.

     Related: Making Butter at Home,Like Our Grandparents


canned pudding image

Pudding- Canned pudding is more often found in Europe, but you can find it in stores in the US, too, as any buffet or cafeteria worker attest. Whatever your favorite type of pudding, it’s likely available in a can.  (Chocolate Pudding, Vanilla Pudding, Butterscotch Pudding)


canned cakeimageimage

Cake- A pudding in the European sense that refers more to a desert dish in general, you can get canned Spotted Dick made by Simpson’s. It’s essentially a sponge cake with spices and raisins. While it doesn’t quite fit into what we think of as a cake in everyday life, I bet it’d be an incredible birthday treat in a SHTF situation.                                                               


canned bacon

Bacon- Very few people don’t like bacon, so it’s great that Yoder makes it in a can for long-term storage. It’s salty, fatty, and flavorful, which makes it great for spicing up boring food made from more traditional prepper food items. You don’t need much of it to transform a pot of soup or some powdered eggs.


canned cheese

Cheese- While making your own cheese isn’t rocket science, there is a lot of actual science involved, and the raw materials needed may not be easy to come by. So, there’s canned cheese.While it’s not quite like what we think of as ‘real’ cheese, canned cheese has plenty of fat and flavor to be a worthwhile addition to your prepper’s pantry. Check out Kraft’s Prepared Pasteurized Cheddar cheese or Heinz’s Macaroni Cheese for reasonably priced options.  (Also Bega canned cheese when available)

canned hamburger imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

Hamburger and other meats – Generally, people think of canned hamburger being home-canned. However, it’s available in cans from both Yoders and Keystone. There are even pre-seasoned canned hamburger products available, like the taco meat by Yoders.  (Ground Beef, turkey, pork, roast beef, pulled pork, chicken breast, chicken)

Related: Pressure-Canning Hamburger Meat for Long Term Preservation


canned chicken

Whole Chicken- Canned whole chicken, like those available from Sweet Sue, are good for more than just the meat. When the entire chicken is canned, all the gelatin and fat is preserved, allowing you to make a fantastic chicken soup. 

Related:  How To Can Chicken(Step By Step Guide With Pictures)



Sandwiches- Also known as the Candwich, these canned sandwiches will be available in several different flavors. They haven’t quite hit the open market yet, but they’re coming! They come in a can about the size of a soda can with a peel off top. They’re perfect for on-the-go eating. 


canned potato salad

Potato Salad- Who knew this traditional, delicious picnic side was available in a can? Canned potato salad would be a good way to add a little flavor into your preps, and it can be eaten warm or chilled, making it a more versatile side dish than you’d possibly realized.                                

Related: How To Can Potatoes for Long Term Preservation



Tamales- We’re talking whole tamales here. Simply heat these canned tamales up, maybe add some fresh veggies or canned cheese to them, and voila! You’ve created an entire meal by simply opening the can. These provide a ready-made meal in a solid form, which can have profound positive psychological impacts. While canned soup is great for filling you up and providing a decent balance, it’s simply not the most satisfying food out there. 


canned cheeseburgerimage

Cheeseburger- Made in Switzerland, these rather expensive canned cheeseburgers aren’t very practical, but they’re a fun addition to your preps. You simply boil the whole can and open for a tasty (that’s subjective, of course) cheeseburger.




Escargot- Even if you don’t care much for fancy seafood, there are plenty of canned sea food items that could be great for bartering. Apart from escargot, you can find crab, lobster, clam, oysters, and other shellfish canned for long-term storage. 



canned duck confit

Duck Confit- Popular in France, canned duck with fat doesn’t seem terribly popular in the US. However, the high fat content in this canned dish could prove to be helpful in a SHTF situation. It’s great for soups and stews, and it adds a sumptuous touch that you won’t often find in the world of canned goods. 






Peanut Butter- Peanut butter powder is a product that’s made by pressing roasted peanuts to remove most of the natural oils, and the remaining peanut “particles” are ground into a fine powder. Out with the oil/fat go many of the calories. You can reconstitute the powdered product to create lower-calorie, less-fat peanut butter, but the texture is not as smooth and creamy.



Whatever you goals, consider adding some non-conventional canned goods to your stores. Variety, after all, is the spice of life. We need a variety of foods to stay at our healthiest, and because of this, people generally want a bit of variety in their diet. The humor factor that many of the above items bring to the table shouldn’t be discounted, either. Psychological health will be remarkable important if society collapses or any disaster, as well, so attending to our psychological needs shouldn’t be overlooked. As is always the case with canned good storage, be sure you’re properly storing cans and rotating your stock as necessary.


Want more exotic foods? check out this list. From possum and rattlesnake to pork brains.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


via:  askaprepper, happypreppers,


From AlertsUSA


N. Korea: Strike Against U.S. Mainland “Inevitable”


Kim Jong-un inspects supposed nuclear bomb - ALLOW IMAGES


September 30, 2017


Between Sept 23-30, the following related Flash SMS messages
were sent to
AlertsUSA subscriber mobile devices:

8/30 – Despite media rpts of open communication, State Dept. announces “N. Korea has shown no indication it is interested in or ready for talks re denuclearization.”

8/25 – Moments ago, DPRK FM Ri Yong Ho states US has declared war, claims right of self defense threatens to shoot down US aircraft even if outside DPRK airspace.

8/23 – DPRK FM Ri threatens US before UN, stating that comments by POTUS are an “irreversible mistake making it inevitable DPRK rockets will hit the US mainland.”

What You Need To Know

On 11 occasions this week AlertsUSA subscribers were notified via SMS messages to their mobile devices regarding safety and security matters. Most important for this report, last Saturday afternoon during a presentation before the UN General Assembly, North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri stated that the U.S. would pay dearly for President Trump’s speech before the same body just days earlier, and that it was “inevitable” they would launch missiles at the US mainland. His comments (and new propaganda video released around the same time) came just hours after the U.S. flew strategic bombers in international waters along the North Korean coast. According to Pentagon spokesman Dana White, the flyover marked the farthest north of the Demilitarized Zone any US fighter or bomber aircraft have flown off North Korea’s coast in the 21st century.

On Monday, North Korea’s Foreign Minister issued yet another threat before international media stationed outside of his hotel in New York. In this instance, Ri stated that N. Korea may shoot down American warplanes even if they are not within N. Korean airspace. These and other threats come on the heels of warning issued last week that N. Korea may detonate a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific.

While this rhetoric continues to heat up and has almost become comical, behind the scenes state and federal officials are taking no chances. In additional to the continued deployment of military forces to the Western Pacific, emergency management agencies in both Hawaii and California have been issuing guidance and directives to each of the relevant departments and agencies to shore up their nuclear attack response plans.

Surprisingly, Washington state specifically prohibits “preparation for emergency evacuation or relocation of residents in anticipation of nuclear attack.”

Foreign government and private sector interests are also making emergency plans for the outbreak of war.

On Thursday of this week, Lassina Zerbo, the head of the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (183 member states operating 289 sensor stations), published a “rough simulation” of a “radio-isotope cloud” from a “hypothetical atmospheric burst” over the Pacific.

[Keep in mind that many such tests have been conducted since the advent of nuclear weapons.]

CTBTO simulation of “radio-isotope cloud” from a “hypothetical atmospheric burst” over the Pacific.

Additionally, new analysis of satellite imagery issued late this week by the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University indicates that North Korea continues to work on its second submersible ballistic missile test stand barge at the Nampo Navy Shipyard on the country’s west coast. These test stand barges are a critical component in any sub-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) development program.

Once again AlertsUSA warns that when the cloudy historical and political narrative is removed, the world is now faced with the following realities:

Given these realities, restraint and the quest for diplomatic solutions virtually assures continued development and ultimately, proliferation into the hands of rogue nations and those private individuals and groups with deep enough pockets.


As recently as this week, FEMA’s new director, Brock Long, has said that Americans do not have a “culture of preparedness,” something that is much-needed with the increasing tempo of natural disasters. Considering the troubles brewing with N. Korea, now would be the time to start increasing your knowledge about how to prepare for and respond to nuclear / radiation emergencies. This problem is not going away any time soon.

The following two free PDF reports will help significantly with this effort. One first is a short read, the second much longer. Download these reports and save them.


by Shane Connor


by Cresson Kearney


Additionally, AlertsUSA offers a package containing two of the essential baseline elements needed to maintain personal safety during a nuclear or radiological emergency. The contents are selected to help carry out three critical tasks: DETECTION of radiation, MEASUREMENT of accumulated dose and if necessary, PROTECTION of the thyroid from the uptake of radioactive iodine (I-131).


AlertsUSA continues to monitor the overall domestic and international threat environment, and will immediately notify service subscribers via SMS messages of new alerts, warnings and advisories or any developments which signal a change the overall threat picture for American citizens as events warrant.


8/29 – AlertsUSA monitoring possible vehicular attack, Penn Station, NYC. Multiple injuries after van jumps curb, runs through crowd, flees scene.

8/29 – USGOV issuing travel warning for Cuba today advising against travel to the country. ~60% of US embassy staff ordered to depart, visa services halted. See email.

8/28 – AlertsUSA monitoring police response to bomb threat, 600 block of Maryland Ave near Nat’l Mall and L’Enfant Plaza Metro station. Add’l alerts as warranted.

8/28 – ISIS rel new audio recording from ‘Caliph’ Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. Calls for attacks on “disbeliever media ctrs & HQ’s of their ideological wars.” More via email.

8/28 – USGOV issues new travel warning for Turkey due cont threat of terrorism. Urges careful review of need to visit the country at this time.

8/27 – AlertsUSA monitoring response to shooting, Fairfax Co. (VA) Public Schools bldg. 8100 block Gatehouse Rd. At least one dead. Add’l alerts as warranted.

8/27 – Overnight: ~30 rockets fired into Kabul Int’l Airport as SecDef Mattis and NATO SecGen arrived for unannounced visit. ISIS & al Qaeda both claim responsibility.

8/24 – AlertsUSA monitoring mass shooting incident, Burnette Chapel Church of Christ, Antioch, TN near Nashville. At least 6 casualties. Shooter rptd in custody.

AlertsUSA Service for Mobile Devices - ALLOW IMAGES

* Threat Info Direct to Your Mobile Device
* Get Away Early, Give Your Family Extra Safety.
* In Wide Use By Gov, 1st Responders, Travelers.
* 24/7/365 Monitoring. No Hype. Just the Bad Stuff.
* Issued Hours and Days before the MSM.
* On your Cell Phone, Tablet or Email.
* We Give The Clear Truth, Unlike the MSM.
* 15 Years in Operation!

We are NOT part of the government.
In fact, they are our customers!




An Army paratrooper descends to the ground at Rivolto Air Base in Udine, Italy, Sept. 26, 2017, during Exercise September Heat 2017. The soldier is assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade. Army photo by Paolo Bovo. - ALLOW IMAGES

World News Roundup


September 30, 2017


Other Developments We Are Following



US orders 60 percent of staff out of embassy in Cuba
Accused NSA leaker called America ‘the worst thing to happen on the planet
U.S. Army Takes Over Massive Mission to Save Puerto Rico
After a Dismal Start on Venezuela, Trump Attempts a Sharp Course Correction
Americans blame Facebook for fake news, new poll finds
Venezuelan President says his country should be prepping to fight the US
FBI investigating as many cases of domestic extremism as foreign terrorism


If North Korea Fires an ICBM, the US Might Have to Shoot It Down Over Russia
What would it take to trigger war between Russia and NATO? Just a spark
Moscow won’t tolerate crusade to blame Russia for everything in US
The Catalan Cliff: Tensions are running high before the independence vote
Stalemate over Catalan vote keeps Spain in suspense
EU moves ahead faster on new future than on Brexit talks
Surge in migration to Greece fuels misery in refugee camps
Macron’s counter-terror bill risks France’s human rights record


In Libya Strike, Military Shows New Lethal Powers Under Trump
A Field Trip to the Front Lines of the Qatar-Saudi Cold War
Wheels and deals: trouble brewing in the House of Saud
US does not recognize Kurdistan independence referendum: Tillerson
Iraqi forces to take control of Kurdish regional borders
Vladmir Putin meets Erdogan to secure Syria de-escalation zone
Yemen experiences worst cholera outbreak ever
Muslims in China being told to hand over Qurans or face punishments


Trump to travel to 5 countries in Asia in November
North Korea: The Inevitability of War
Moscow holds ‘consultations’ with NKorea diplomat
War of the Dragons: Why North Korea Does’t Trust China
Why China Will Never Crackdown on North Korea
How America Is Losing the Battle for the South China Sea
Japan’s defence chief warns of possible N.Korea provocation on Oct. 10
Bali: Fear of volcanic eruption forces 130,000 to flee.



Travel Security Update

The U.S. Dept. of State is the authoritative federal source for information on the security situation at travel destinations worldwide. With tensions rapidly increasing in most regions, readers planning on international travel, even to such common destinations as Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean Islands, are strongly encouraged to do a little research on the security situation prior to departure.

Latest USGOV Travel Alerts and Warnings










N. Korea


Hurricane Season


Worldwide Caution


Additional Sources of Travel Guidance

Canada Dept. of Foreign Affairs

Australia Dept. of Foreign Affairs

UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office



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Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: threatjournal