Prepare your kids for disasters away from home

A friend loves living in Phoenix because there are virtually no natural disasters that threaten us and other than extreme heat and occasional thunderstorms, the weather is pretty cooperative, too.

However, in our travels around the country, I’ve realized the importance of teaching my kids what to do in emergencies they might not encounter here at home. More than once, on trips to Disneyland, I’ve wondered what we would do if an earthquake occurred while we were in the middle of “It’s a Small World”. Would my kids know where to find shelter from a tornado or basic winter weather survival even though those events never occur here in Phoenix?

They might encounter any number of different situations while away from home, whether at a school or church event, camping trip or a resort vacation.  Regardless of the most likely disasters in your area, do your kids know how to stay safe in these situations?

  • A flood, including flashfloods
  • Earthquake and aftershocks
  • Tornado
  • A lightning storm
  • Hurricane
  • Ice storm
  • Blizzard
  • Heat wave
  • Wildfires
  • Dust storm, aka haboob
  • Tsunami
  • Avalanche

It would also be helpful as kids get older to learn the warning signs of any of these, so they have the chance to prepare, not just react.

Do some quick research online or in the appendix section of my book for survival tips that are easy to teach and easy to remember. A little education and a bit of planning goes a long way.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: thesurvivalmom

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