Ready Campaign – An invitation from FEMA

Hey, FEMA just sent out this email and wanted to share for those interested:



Last year, over 21,000 members of our National Preparedness Community coordinated 1,573 preparedness events engaging 1.5 million Americans in preparedness activities during National Preparedness Month.

In order to build on last year’s success, we are inviting you to join the National Preparedness Community, download the Tool Kit, and coordinate a National Preparedness Month activity.

Click here to join the National Preparedness Community and get started now!

The community is open and free to anyone who wishes to join. Members have access to resources including step-by-step emergency preparedness guides, public service announcements, informational materials, and regionally based preparedness discussions. In addition, members connect and collaborate with their peers as well as emergency personnel in the communities of practice.

With National Preparedness month coming up in September, this is an exciting time to be a part of this vibrant community. Join the community of 29,800 plus members – Join the National Preparedness Community now!


When you go to the link it is a site for you to sign up and create a user account:

Thank you for your interest in the National Preparedness Community. By joining, you can connect, collaborate, and empower yourself and others to fulfill our shared responsibility to prepare.

There is no cost or obligation to do so. As a community member, you will have access to exclusive resources and be able to collaborate in the communities of practice, regional groups, national forms, and get updates from FEMA and emergency management personnel.


For those interested or part of community groups already then this may be another resource for you.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


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