Thinking about Every Day carry

If your looking for some good information I sujest you check out the The Covert Survivalist.

Here is what he says about the everyday carry kit.


As a fellow “prepper”, you know that your equipment is
critically important to your very existence in a crisis.

Just one single item could mean the difference between life
or death for you and your family.

An EDC (“every day carry”) knife is a good example.

The right knife can be used to break out a windshield to
save you from a burning car… cut through the lodged
seatbelt to save your kids… or fend off a band of renegade
looters during civil unrest.

But here’s the thing…

Unless you’re a soldier on the battlefield, you don’t want
to be flashing all of your survival gear around.

What you want is to stay “covert” so no one knows what type
of gadgets you’re carrying.

This keeps you from being targeted in a crisis for either
looting or begging from the “unprepared”.

Here are a few often-ignored “secret hiding spots” for your
EDC gear:

* “Coin Pocket” – Most people forget that this little
pocket even exists. It’s located at the top of your
right-side front jeans pocket and it’s a super handy
place for small survival items you want fast access to
but don’t want to mix up with your other pocket
contents. You’ll be surprised at what you can fit in
there without even noticing it!

* Shoelaces – Switch out your regular shoelaces with
colored 550 paracord.  It comes in all colors and
inside the cord is 7 strands of strong nylon string
for many scenarios.  Typical laces are 4-5′ long so
this gives you up to 70′ of string while still
leaving you with the outer paracord for shoelaces.

* Money Belt or Security Arm Wallet – The inside of
the belt has a hidden zippered pocket for money (as
well as small items like a razor, etc. for any number
of needs). Security arm wallets are another great
tool if you’re wearing long sleeves.

Again, your goal is to carry gear that is practical not only
for survival, but also every-day life, but covert enough
that people (and you) don’t notice.

Via: The Covert Survivalist


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