Monthly Archives: August 2013

Getting Started: Prepping for a Two Week Power Outage

If you’re new to preparedness, you may be reading some of the excellent and informative websites out there and feeling quite quite overwhelmed.  While many sites recommend a one year supply of food, manual tools, and a bug out lodge in the forest, it’s vital to realize that is a long-term goal, not a starting point.

A great starting point for someone who is just getting started on a preparedness journey is prepping specifically for a two-week power outage.  If you can comfortably survive for two weeks without electricity, you will be in a far better position than most of the people in North America.

Even if you aren’t convinced that hardcore preparedness is for you, it would still be difficult to argue against the possibility of a disaster lasting for a couple of weeks.  Major natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy down to lesser storms like last year’s derecho in the Metro DC area are incontestable – storms happen and all you can do is be ready to weather them.  As well, a large western US power company recently announced that they did not foresee the ability to keep up with electrical demand this summer, and may institute rolling blackouts to cope with it.  If you are prepared for two weeks without power, you are prepared for a wide range of short-term emergencies, including quarantines, interruptions of income, or civil unrest.

To prepare for a two week emergency, think about what you would need if the power went out and you couldn’t leave your home for 14 days. Once you begin creating your plan, you may be surprised and discover that you already have most of what you need to batten down the hatches for a couple of weeks. It’s just a matter of organizing it so you can see what you need.

Use the following information to create your personal 2 week preparedness plan.  Modify the suggestions to adapt them to your particular home, family, and climate.


Everyone knows that clean drinking water is something you can’t live without. In the event of a disaster, the water may not run from the taps, and if it does, it might not be safe to drink, depending on the situation.  If there is a boil order in place, remember that if the power is out, boiling your water may not be as easy as turning on your stove.

Each family should store a two week supply of water. The rule of thumb for drinking water is 1 gallon per day, per person.  Don’t forget to stock water for your pets, also.

You can create your water supply very inexpensively.  Many people use clean 2 liter soda pop bottles to store tap water.  Others purchase the large 5 gallon jugs of filtered water from the grocery store.  Consider a gravity fed water filtration device and water purification tablets as well.

Food and a way to prepare it

There are two schools of thought regarding food during a power outage.  One: you need a cooking method that does not require the grid to be functioning.  Two: you can store food that doesn’t require cooking.

If you opt for a secondary cooking method, be sure that you have enough fuel for two weeks.  Store foods that do not require long cooking times – for example, dried beans would use a great deal of fuel, but canned beans could be warmed up, or even eaten cold.

Click HERE for a short term food storage list

Click HERE to find a list of foods that require no cooking.

Heat (depending on your climate)

If your power outage takes place in the winter and you live in a colder climate, heat is another necessity.  During the first 24 hours after a power outage, you can stay fairly warm if you block off one room of the house for everyone to group together in.  Keep the door closed and keep a towel or blanket folded along the bottom of the door to conserve warmth.  You can safely burn a couple of candles also, and in the enclosed space, your body heat will keep it relatively warm.  As well, dress in layers and keep everything covered – wear a hat, gloves (fingerless ones allow you to still function), and a scarf.

Click HERE to learn how to stay warm with less heat.

However, after about 48 hours, that’s not going to be enough in very cold weather. You will require back-up heat at this point in certain climates.  If you are lucky enough to have a source of heat like a fireplace or woodstove, you’ll be just fine as long as you have a supply of wood.

Consider a portable propane heater (and propane) or an oil heater.  You have to be very careful what type of backup heat you plan on using, as many of them can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if used in a poorly ventilated area.

Learn more about off-grid heat options HERE.

Sanitation needs

A common cause of illness, and even death, during a down-grid situation is lack of sanitation.  We’ve discussed the importance of clean drinking water, but you won’t want to use your drinking water to keep things clean or to flush the toilet.

For cleaning, reduce your need to wash things. Stock up on paper plates, paper towels, and disposable cups and flatware.  Keep some disinfecting cleaning wipes and sprays (I don’t recommend using antibacterial products on a regular basis, however in the event of an emergency they can help to keep you healthy.)  Use hand sanitizer after using the bathroom and before handing food or beverages – there may be a lot more germs afoot in a disaster.

Look at your options for sanitation.  Does your toilet still flush when the electricity is out?  Many people discovered the hard way that the toilets didn’t work  when the sewage backed up in the highrises in New York City in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.  At our cabin, the toilet won’t flush without power because the pump is electric.

If you are on a septic system, with no risk of the toilet backing up into the house, simply store some water for flushing in the bathroom.  (At the first sign of a storm, we always fill the bathtub for this purpose.)  Add the water to the tank so that you can flush.

If this is not an option, another solution is to stock up on extremely heavy duty garbage bags (like the kind that contractors use at construction sites) and kitty litter.  Place a bag either in your drained toilet or in a bucket.  Sprinkle some kitty litter in the bottom of the bag.  Each time someone uses the bathroom, add another handful of litter. Be very careful that the bag doesn’t get too heavy for you to handle it.  Tie it up very securely and store it outside until services are restored.


Lighting is absolutely vital, especially if there are children in the house.  Nothing is more frightening than being completely in the dark during a stressful situation. Fortunately, it’s one of the easiest things to plan for, as well as one of the least expensive.

Some lighting solutions are:

  • Garden stake solar lights
  • Candles
  • Kerosene lamps
  • Flashlights (don’t forget batteries)
  • Hand crank camping lantern
  • Don’t forget matches or lighters

Tools and supplies

Some basic items will make your life much easier during an emergency. Here are some things that are essential in the event of a power outage:

  • Lighter/waterproof matches
  • Batteries in various sizes
  • Manual can opener
  • Basic tools: Pliers, screwdriver, wrench, hammer
  • Duct tape
  • Crazy glue
  • Sewing supplies
  • Bungee cords

If you’d like to expand on the basic supplies, a more detailed list of tools and hardware can be found HERE.

First Aid kit

It’s important to have a basic first aid kit on hand at all times, but particularly in the event of an emergency.  Your kit should include basic wound care items like bandages, antibiotic ointments, and sprays.  As well, if you use them, keep on hand a supply of basic over-the-counter medications, like pain relief capsules, cold medicine, cough syrup, anti-nausea pills, and allergy medication. Particularly important if sanitation is a problem are anti-diarheal medications.

If you want to put together a more advanced medical kit, you can find a list HERE.

Special needs

This is something that will be unique to every family. Consider the things that are needed on a daily basis in your household. It might be prescription medications, diapers, or special foods.  If you have pets, you’ll need supplies for them too.  The best way to figure out what you need is to jot things down as you use them over the course of a week or so.

Get started today

You can start right now – this very minute – all you have to do is grab a pad of paper and a pen.

  1. Begin by personalizing the suggestions above to fit your family’s needs and make a list of your requirements.
  2. Next, do a quick inventory – as I mentioned above, you may be surprised to see that you already have quite a few of the supplies that are recommended.
  3. Make a shopping list and acquire the rest of the items you need.  If you can’t afford everything right now, prioritize the most important things first.
  4. Organize your supplies so that they are easily accessible when you need them.

The peace of mind that comes from being prepared for a disaster before it happens cannot be measured.   You won’t have to fight the crowds or be faced with empty store shelves. You won’t have to sit there, cold and miserable, in the dark.  You won’t be hungry or thirsty.  You will be able to face the event with the serenity that readiness brings, and this will also make it less traumatic for your children when they see that you aren’t afraid.

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: theorganicprepper

Strategic Relocation: Where To Go When It Hits the Fan

Joel Skousen, one of the world’s foremost experts on home security, retreat preparedness and strategic relocation, says that no preparedness plan is complete unless you’ve taken into account the single most critical threat we face during a widespread emergency.

The number one threat that I concentrate on. It’s not terrorism, it’s not natural disaster, it’s not even government or war.

The major threat is population density.

Because every crisis that threatens, even a local crisis, can turn exponential because of close proximity to people who cannot help themselves. Even good people panic in a crisis…

The obvious answer would be to move to a rural area and out of the way of hungry, thirsty and desperate masses of people. But, that’s easier said then done. The majority of Americans, even though they’d do it in a heartbeat if given the opportunity, simply don’t have the available resources to get out of Dodge and live the life of an off-the-grid  homesteading survivalist.

Frankly, this is not easy.

It’s not easy because very few people can go and leave their jobs, and go out into rural areas where there’s safety.

In other words, security financially is the antithesis of security in terms of location, because the safest locations are where there’s very few people, very rural, and that’s the opposite of what you need to have jobs.

Even for a survival expert like myself it isn’t a clear cut easy choice – you have compromises that every location has.

You don’t want to be part of a major metropolitan area when that happens.

This is the crux of what I teach people in Strategic Relocation.

People mostly have to stay within population centers to earn a living…

How to prepare contingency planning so that you can get out into retreat areas and have the information, the forewarning signs, to know how to do that. That’s really the only way to survive.

Most people cannot get rural right now. They can’t make a living. It’s just impossible. So, this is a solution for everyone.

With an extensive discussion about geopolitical events, motivations of those in power, and possible scenarios that could instantaneously change the world as we know it, Joel Skousen and Alex Jones tackle some of the questions you are no doubt asking yourself.

  • What are the most likely collapse scenarios we face?
  • Where will I go when it hits the fan?
  • Would my current residence be the best place to weather the storm?
  • Which states and regions are the safest?
  • Can I prepare a strategic location ahead of a disaster and relocate in time if disaster strikes?

With detailed maps of the United States and provinces of Canada, Skousen not only provides regional threat assessments, but also explains the nuances of the decision-making process and what factors to consider, including critical aspects like population density, transportation thoroughfares, demographics, and personal finance.

Learn how to develop a strategic relocation plan customized to your specific needs and abilities in this two and a half hour documentary made available for free by Alex Jones, Joel Skousen and

Watch for free on YoutubeGet the DVD With Extended Information, Get the Book, Get the DVD+Book Combo

Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfplan

Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.

In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced his overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.

With 70% of the U.S. economy dependent on consumer spending, Buffett’s apparent lack of faith in these companies’ future prospects is worrisome.

Unfortunately Buffett isn’t alone.

Fellow billionaire John Paulson, who made a fortune betting on the subprime mortgage meltdown, is clearing out of U.S. stocks too. During the second quarter of the year, Paulson’s hedge fund, Paulson & Co., dumped 14 million shares of JPMorgan Chase. The fund also dumped its entire position in discount retailer Family Dollar and consumer-goods maker Sara Lee.

Finally, billionaire George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks, including shares of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. Between the three banks, Soros sold more than a million shares.

So why are these billionaires dumping their shares of U.S. companies?

After all, the stock market is still in the midst of its historic rally. Real estate prices have finally leveled off, and for the first time in five years are actually rising in many locations. And the unemployment rate seems to have stabilized.

It’s very likely that these professional investors are aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%.

One such person publishing this research is Robert Wiedemer, an esteemed economist and author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock.

Editor’s Note: Wiedemer Gives Proof for His Dire Predictions in This Shocking Interview.

Before you dismiss the possibility of a 90% drop in the stock market as unrealistic, consider Wiedemer’s credentials.

In 2006, Wiedemer and a team of economists accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States. They published their research in the book America’s Bubble Economy.

The book quickly grabbed headlines for its accuracy in predicting what many thought would never happen, and quickly established Wiedemer as a trusted voice.

A columnist at Dow Jones said the book was “one of those rare finds that not only predicted the subprime credit meltdown well in advance, it offered Main Street investors a winning strategy that helped avoid the forty percent losses that followed . . .”

The chief investment strategist at Standard & Poor’s said that Wiedemer’s track record “demands our attention.”

And finally, the former CFO of Goldman Sachs said Wiedemer’s “prescience in (his) first book lends credence to the new warnings. This book deserves our attention.”

In the interview for his latest blockbuster Aftershock, Wiedemer says the 90% drop in the stock market is “a worst-case scenario,” and the host quickly challenged this claim.

Wiedemer calmly laid out a clear explanation of why a large drop of some sort is a virtual certainty.

It starts with the reckless strategy of the Federal Reserve to print a massive amount of money out of thin air in an attempt to stimulate the economy.

“These funds haven’t made it into the markets and the economy yet. But it is a mathematical certainty that once the dam breaks, and this money passes through the reserves and hits the markets, inflation will surge,” said Wiedemer.

“Once you hit 10% inflation, 10-year Treasury bonds lose about half their value. And by 20%, any value is all but gone. Interest rates will increase dramatically at this point, and that will cause real estate values to collapse. And the stock market will collapse as a consequence of these other problems.”

See the Proof: Get the Full Interview by Clicking Here Now.

And this is where Wiedemer explains why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros could be dumping U.S. stocks:

“Companies will be spending more money on borrowing costs than business expansion costs. That means lower profit margins, lower dividends, and less hiring. Plus, more layoffs.”

No investors, let alone billionaires, will want to own stocks with falling profit margins and shrinking dividends. So if that’s why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros are dumping stocks, they have decided to cash out early and leave Main Street investors holding the bag.

But Main Street investors don’t have to see their investment and retirement accounts decimated for the second time in five years.

Wiedemer’s video interview also contains a comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.

Now viewed over 40 million times, it was initially screened for a relatively small, private audience. But the overwhelming amount of feedback from viewers who felt the interview should be widely publicized came with consequences, as various online networks repeatedly shut it down and affiliates refused to house the content.

“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog.

“Our real concern,” DeHoog added, “is the effect even if only half of Wiedemer’s predictions come true.

“That’s a scary thought for sure. But we want the average American to be prepared, and that is why we will continue to push this video to as many outlets as we can. We want the word to spread.”

Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax is showing the Wiedemer interview and supplying viewers with copies of the new, updated Aftershock book including the final, unpublished chapter. Go here to view it now.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: moneynews

“Super EMP” Capable of Disabling Power Grid Across Lower 48 States

For many years U.S. Intelligence agencies believed that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program was a failure due to the low explosive yield of their tests. According to EMPact America’s President and former CIA nuclear weapons analyst Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, this is not the case:

North Korea’s last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states, says Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA nuclear weapons analyst and president of EMPact America, a citizens lobbying group.

North Korea’s nuclear tests have been dismissed as failures by some analysts because of their low explosive yield. But Dr. Pry believes they bore the “signature” of the Russian-designed “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting more gamma radiation than a 25-megaton nuclear weapon.

Pry believes the U.S. intelligence community was expecting North Korea to test a first generation implosion device with an explosive yield of 10 to 20 kilotons, similar to the bomb the U.S. exploded over Nagasaki in 1945. He said, “So when they saw one that put off just three kilotons, they said it failed. That is so implausible.”

Source: Newsmax

Since EMP is a line-of-sight weapon, detonating one of these nukes about 300 miles above Nebraska could end life as we know it in America in about one second.

While North Korea may be the latest country to test such a weapon, it is clear that the technology has been available for nearly 50 years, and it has since been leaked to rogue nations, and perhaps rogue terror and shadow elements with the financing, capability and wherewithal to use it:

Such a weapon — equal to a massive solar flare such as the “solar maxima” predicted by NASA to occur in 2012 — poses “substantial risk to equipment and operation of the nation’s power grid and under extreme conditions could result in major long term electrical outages,” said Joseph McClelland of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Senate testimony last month.

Pry said that a group of Russian nuclear weapons scientists approached him in 2004 when he served as staff director of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, to warn the United States that the technology to make that weapon “had leaked” to North Korea, and possibly to Iran.

When we talk about potential terrorist action against the United States, we discuss this in the sphere of any organization, be it Al Queda, state sponsored, or shadow government related. These weapons exist, and they are, without a doubt, the single biggest threat to the United States of America.

As we’ve previously reported, such a weapon, or group of weapons strategically detonated at lower altitudes, would completely wipe out the entire US power grid, vehicles, computers, cell phones, and anything else with an electric circuit.

The fall out would be nothing short of apocalyptic.

In July of 2010 EMPact America published an overview of the EMP 2010 Conference in which they discussed the threat EMP posed to the nation and the fact that very few people understand how great and imminent it is:

…An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is a super energetic radio wave that’s immediately harmless to people, but it’ll burn out all the critical electronic systems that sustain human economic activity and human life across vast areas, including the entire continental United States.

-Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, President, EMPact America

The Center for Security Policy, in a report issued last year, has estimated that in the event of a wide-scale EMP attack on the United States, as many as nine out of ten Americans would be dead within one year:

“Within a year of that attack, nine out of 10 Americans would be dead, because we can’t support a population of the present size in urban centers and the like without electricity,” said Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy. “And that is exactly what I believe the Iranians are working towards.”

North Koreans, Iranians, terrorists (Al Queda or otherwise), it doesn’t really matter.

What does matter is that very few Americans are prepared for such an outlier.

The first 24 – 48 hours after such an occurrence will lead to confusion among the general population as traditional news acquisition sources like television, radio and cell phone networks will be non-functional.

Within a matter of days, once people realize the power might not be coming back on and grocery store shelves start emptying, the entire system will begin to delve into chaos.

Within 30 days a mass die off will have begun as food supplies dwindle, looters and gangs turn to violent extremes, medicine can’t be restocked and water pump stations fail.

For those interested in learning more about the after-effects of EMP and several different scenarios in which you may find yourself, we strongly recommend reading / watching the following:

With the information gained you’ll theoretically have a working knowledge of the supplies you’ll need for extended grid-down situations. Additionally, each story deals with a slightly different setting, so you’ll have an understanding of the organizational and defense requirements necessary to secure and manage an individual property, small community neighborhood, and an entire town.

Power outages happen all the time. But you’ll know an EMP has been detonated (or we’ve been hit by a massive solar event) if the power to your house goes off, cars are not starting, and your cell phone won’t turn on. If that happens, take a deep breath, say a prayer, and put the supplies and knowledge you’ve acquired to work, because it won’t be long before the golden horde wrecks havoc.

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.


Via: shtfplan

‘Very Few People Understand How Great and Imminent the EMP Threat Is’

The following videos are a brief overview of EMPact America, Inc.‘s September 2009 conference. The conference featured guest speakers and attendees that included EMP experts, scientists, Congressmen, and military personnel from around the country.

The topic of discussion?

The very real threat of EMP and it’s consequences:

Very few people still really understand how great and imminent the EMP threat is, or that there is a readily actionable plan that is inexpensive and at hand, and that it just takes political will at this point to get it done….

…An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is a super energetic radio wave that’s immediately harmless to people, but it’ll burn out all the critical electronic systems that sustain human economic activity and human life across vast areas, including the entire continental United States.

-Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, President, EMPact America

The idea that this is some science fiction that has no basis in reality denies and defies what a bipartisan EMP commission agreed that it did represent – and that is a serious threat to the safety and security of every single American.

-Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas

It’s not a secret. You can’t do anything about something that’s this broad in impact and still secret. So in order to get anything done you actually have to acknowledge we have a weakness. And, we worried about the fact that if we acknowledged that we had a weakness, how damaging will that be since we will inform our adversaries. We came to the conclusion that our adversaries are really quite well informed already.

-Robert Hermann, Commissioner, Congressional EMP Commission

I have believed for a long time that EMP or electromagnetic pulse may be the greatest strategic threat we face, because without adequate preparation its impact would be so horrifying that we would, in fact, basically lose our civilization in a matter of seconds.

-Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives

The following two-part video is a short 15 minute overview of the conference. You can watch the conference in full by visiting EMPact America.

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfplan

The US Government Is Prepping For Unlikely Events Like War, Catastrophic Collapse of Society, and Even Asteroids – Are You?

Your run of the mill prepper is likely stocking up on food, water, SHTF gear, guns and ammo for any number of “doomsday” scenarios that may occur – be they natural disasters or man-made catastrophes. Often times, those who take emergency preparedness seriously – especially longer term preparedness – may be depicted in the media, and perhaps by neighbors, friends and family, as “a little out there.” If they’re not being told to do it through their normal information acquisition channels, chances are that those around you don’t believe it’s real or even possible, thus they take no action, other than to maybe vilify you for your thoughts on the matter.

But, while the majority of Americans may not believe in the very real possibility of the occurrence of far-from-equilibrium situations, the fact of the matter is that the US government has been preparing for SHTF and TEOTWAWKI for decades.

If one had to guess, due to a lack of statistical data, one might say that the single largest preparedness goods and services consumer in the world is the U.S. government. They plan for all sorts of disasters.

We know from reactions to questioning during Oliver North’s testimony over the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980′s that the US government has alternate systems of governance already in place – referred to by some as “the shadow government.” We may balk at the idea of a non-elected government standing by to take over, but from the standpoint of preparedness it only makes sense, doesn’t it?

We also know, for a fact, that the US government has built secure bunkers in the past to protect high value personnel like the President of the United States and other elected officials. This was confirmed prior to and during the September 11th attacks, when President Bush and Vice President Cheney were reportedly transferred to secure, undisclosed locations.

In 2006, the EU and other interested parties commissioned the building of a seed bank about 430 feet above sea level, deep inside a frozen mountain, with the hope being that if the Earth was ever threatened by a large scale catastrophe like climate change, nuclear war or an asteroid, the human population would retain access to the many varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs and plants available in modern society. The so-called “Doomsday Vault” was built by the EU and other governments quickly and efficiently over a period of 18 months and houses millions of seeds from around the world. The rapid deployment of the vault has led some to speculate that a global catastrophe is imminent.

In Conspiracy Theory 2012, with Jesse Ventura, we learned that the U.S. government is still engaged in the building of massive underground bunker systems. According to Ventura, one of the largest has been built under the new Denver airport. In fact, the US government is reportedly building so fast and so widespread, that private contractors in the bunker business are having a difficult time obtaining necessary equipment and supplies to continue their developments.

We even have an entire department, funded by taxpayers to the tune of $6 billion per year that is specifically tasked to deal with disaster scenarios. We normally only hear about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) during hurricanes, floods, fires and earthquakes, but they are responsible for responding to all major emergencies across the country. According to some, but denied by many, FEMA has even built refugee camps to deal with millions of people who may be displaced in large scale emergencies or during a declaration of martial law.

Anecdotal reports over the years suggest that the largest buyer of freeze dried goods from major freeze dried food manufacturers is none other than the U.S. government. One of our recommended emergency preparedness partners indicates that they serve not only retail customers, but government entities as well, including the Transportation Security Administration, US State Department, and the Department of Homeland Security.

The government is and has been preparing for something, perhaps many things, for decades. The very existence of FEMA and Department of Homeland Security suggests that they are planning for wide a variety of possibilities. To be clear, the fact that they are planning for something doesn’t necessarily mean that it will happen – just that it’s a possibility.

And how far “out there” is the US government when it comes to disaster planning and gaming emergency scenarios?

Consider an October 25, 2010 report discussing the potential threat from an incoming asteroid. It may be the stuff of science fiction movies for most, but for White House Office of Science and Technology Policy director John Holdren it’s a possibility that cannot be ignored. In a series of letters to Congress Holdren outlines a plan for “protecting the United States from a near-Earth object that is expected to collide with Earth; and implementing a deflection campaign, in consultation with international bodies, should one be necessary.” The plan includes collaborative efforts between governments and militaries around the world in the event that NASA spots an incoming asteroid.

If nothing else, this proves that there are agencies within the US government that dedicate time, money (lots of it) and resources to the study of scenarios that can be considered The End of The World As We Know It.

Those very same people – your neighbors, friends, and family members – who may consider your personal preparedness efforts a little over the top would likely agree that the government spending billions of dollars on emergency preparedness is worthwhile project given the many possibilities for calamity to occur.

The issue, however, is that the government may be spending billions, but they cannot possibly prepare for wide scale, total collapse situations where tens of millions of lives are at risk. It is simply not possible.

Our government, even if they tried, would not be able to stock enough food and resources for the entire population of the United States. They can’t possibly respond to widespread catastrophes that may include simultaneous nuclear, biological or chemical attacks on multiple U.S. cities, or an electromagnetic pulse threat from a rogue nation, or even a solar flare that threatens our power grid infrastructure.

The takeaway from understanding that the government is preparing for disasters is to acknowledge that, in an emergency, you and your family may be left floating up SHTF Creek without a paddle. The FEMA web site makes an effort to inform people that each individual should be preparing for emergencies themselves, though most Americans have ignored this, or are simply unaware that the recommendations exist.

In Food and Water in an Emergency (pdf) FEMA makes it clear that they may not be able to provide assistance. “If an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm, or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks,” warns the report. The recommendations, similar to those we have made in the past suggest that everyone take responsibility for themselves, “by taking some time now to store emergency food and water supplies, you can provide for your entire family.”

The US government is preparing for large scale disasters. Are you?

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfplan

EMP Threat: ‘Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead’

A spokesman for the Center for Security Policy says that the threat of Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) is real. With Iran developing multi-stage Space Launch Vehicles (SLV) the possibility of such an attack will become even more probable than ever before:

From WND:

And experts forecast if such an attack were a success, it effectively could throw the U.S. back into an age of agriculture.

“Within a year of that attack, nine out of 10 Americans would be dead, because we can’t support a population of the present size in urban centers and the like without electricity,” said Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy. “And that is exactly what I believe the Iranians are working towards.”

A recent launch of an SLV by Iran has sparked renewed concern of an attack that could send an electromagnetic pulse powerful enough to wipe out computer controls for systems on which society has come to rely, officials say.

As the G2 Bulletin reported last week, Ronald Burgess, director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, revealed that Iran successfully launched a multi-stage SLV, the Simorgh. The device ultimately could be equipped with a nuclear bomb, which the U.S. intelligence community assesses Iran is developing.

Officials also report Iran has been testing detonation of its nuclear-capable missiles by remote control while still in high-altitude flight. The development makes a potential EMP attack on the U.S. more probable.

An enemy of the United States, be it Iran, North Korea or a terrorist organization, does not need to detonate a nuclear weapon on the ground.We believe this is the only reason why Iran would be testing SLV’s with in-flight detonations. With this kind of weapon, Iran (or anyone else) would simply need to strike first. Once the weapon goes off, it would be difficult to determine from where it came and to respond appropriately, as all forms of traditional communication would be wiped out.

A small-scale, five to ten kiloton weapon detonated 200 miles above Nebraska, or a few weapons detonated 50 miles or so above the eastern, western and central United States would do the job.

The effects would be nothing short of disastrous – literally the end of the world as we know it.

All unprotected and unhardened electrical devices would be left useless.

This means that everything, from the refrigerator in your kitchen to the semi-trucks that carry food across the country, would be non-functioning.

If an enemy of the USA wants to bring America to its knees without rendering the land completely useless, they could do so with an EMP weapon.

We’ve always believed that a mainland invasion of the United Stated would be difficult, if not impossible. But, if an EMP weapon were to be used, our country could effectively be invaded within a matter of months, as most of the population would be wiped out and the government and military infrastructures in disarray.

We consider EMP as one of the most significant threats out there. The recovery period from a collapse of this magnitude would be counted in decades, not years, thus, for those who are “prepping” for a worst-case scenario, consider long term sustainability planning when planning for an EMP SHTF scenario.

Recommended Research:

One Second After by William Forstchen

Jericho TV Series (Available on iTunes)

Patriots by James Wesley Rawles


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfplan

How To make a Tear Gas Mask

Tear Gas
The first thing to remember about exposure to these chemical weapons is that it is not the worst thing that could happen to you. The hype and fear surrounding them is enormous, but in reality, if you are careful and smart, you should survive it with little problem. This information is the result of conversations with experts and prior experience.

1. How They Are Deployed:

Tear gas and pepper spray can be sprayed from small hand-held dispensers or large fire-extinguisher size tanks. Pepper spray also comes in plastic projectiles which are fired at the chest to knock the wind out of a person, who then takes a deep breath of pepper from the burst projectile. Tear gas is most commonly deployed via canisters, which are fired into crowds, sometimes directly at people. It’s important that you know not to pick up the canisters without gloves as they are extremely hot. Be aware that the time it takes you to throw it will allow you to be heavily exposed.

2. How They Affect Humans:

Both tear gas and pepper spray are skin irritants, causing burning pain and excess drainage from eyes, nose, mouth and breathing passages. Pepper spray is more popular with authorities as an agent of control because of its immediate pain-causing qualities. It is harder to remove from the skin and has the capacity to cause first degree burns.

If you are exposed to either tear gas or pepper spray, you may experience:

  • Stinging, burning in your eyes, nose, mouth and skin
  • Excessive tearing, causing your vision to blur
  • Runny nose
  • Increased salivation
  • Coughing and difficulty breathing
  • Disorientation, confusion and sometimes panic
  • Intense anger from pepper spray exposure is a common response; this can be useful if you are prepared for it and are able to focus it towards recovery and returning to the action. Channel your anger, release it from your system, avoid holding it in.

The good news is that the above effects are temporary.

Discomfort from tear gas usually disappears after 5-30 minutes, while the worst pepper spray discomfort may take 20 minutes to 2 hours to subside. The effects of both diminish sooner with treatment. Because pepper spray penetrates to the nerve endings, its effects may last for hours after removal from the skin.

3. Avoid Inaccurate & Dangerous Treatment Myths:

There are many myths about treatment and prevention. Much of this misinformation is potentially dangerous. Some of it, if applied, could greatly increase or prolong a person’s reaction to exposure, or at the very least provide a false sense of security.

4. When to Prevent Exposure:
For most healthy people, the effects of tear gas and pepper spray are temporary. However, for some people the effects can be long-lasting and life-threatening.

People with the conditions listed below should be aware of these risks and may want to try and avoid exposure. Please be aware that in intense actions such as police behavior can be unpredictable, and avoidance is not always possible. Those with the following health conditions should avoid entering crowds where there is risk of exposure to these substances.

  • Folks with respiratory diseases, such as asthma, emphysema, etc. risk exacerbation, or permanent damage if exposed.
  • Vulnerable people such as infants, the elderly, and the immune compromised, risk intensified and possibly life-threatening responses.
  • Anyone with chronic health conditions or those on medications that weaken the immune system, (ie: chemotherapy, Lupus, HIV, radiation, or long-term corticosteroids such as prednisone) risk exacerbation of illness, intensified response and possible delayed recovery.
  • Women who are or could be pregnant, or who are trying to get pregnant, may be at risk of spontaneous abortion, or increased risk of birth defects.
  • Nursing mothers risk passing toxins on to their infant.
  • Folks with skin conditions (ie: severe acne, psoriasis, or eczema) and eye conditions (i.e.: conjunctivitis or uveitis) risk an intensified response.
  • People wearing contact lenses may experience increased eye irritation and damage due to chemicals being trapped under the lenses.

5. Protection:

  • Avoid the use of oils, lotions and detergents because they can trap the chemicals and thereby prolong exposure. Wash your clothes, your hair and your skin beforehand in a detergent-free and unscented soap.
  • We recommend using a water or alcohol-based sunscreen (rather than oil-based). If your choice is between oil-based or nothing, we advocate using the sunscreen. Getting pepper sprayed on top of a sunburn is not fun.
  • We also recommend minimizing skin exposure by covering up as much as possible. This can also protect you from the sun, as can a big hat, baseball cap or bandana.
  • Gas masks provide the best facial protection, if properly fitted and sealed. Alternatively, swimming goggles (with shatter-proof lenses), respirators, even a wet bandana soaked in vinegar over the nose and mouth will help.

6. What to Do When Exposed:

  • STAY CALM. Panicking increases the irritation. Breathe slowly and remember it is only temporary. Educate yourself prior to going out, to know what to expect, and thereby reduce the likelihood of panicking.
  • If you see it coming or get a warning, put on protective gear, if able, try to move away or get upwind.
  • Blow your nose, rinse your mouth, cough and spit repeatedly. AVOID SWALLOING.
  • If you wear contacts, try to remove the lenses or get someone to remove them for you, with CLEAN, uncontaminated fingers. AVOID WEARING CONTACT LENSES BEFORE GOING OUT.

7. Remedies
We have been doing trials with pepper spray to find good remedies and have found some things will definitely help minimize the discomfort. None of these are miracle cures; using these remedies will help people to feel better faster, but it will still take time.

For the eyes and mouth:

We recommend a solution of half liquid antacid (like Maalox) and half water. A spray bottle is ideal but a bottle that has a squirt cap works as well. Always irrigate from the inside corner of the eye towards the outside, with head tilted back and slightly towards the side being rinsed. It seems from our trials that it needs to get into the eye to help. This means that if the sprayed person says it’s okay you should try to open their eye for them. They most likely won’t be able/willing to open it themselves, and opening will cause a temporary increase in pain, but the solution does help. It works great as a mouth rinse too.

For the skin:

We recommend canola oil followed by alcohol. Carefully avoiding the eyes, vigorously wipe the skin that was exposed to the chemical with a rag or gauze sponge saturated with canola oil. Follow this immediately with a rubbing of alcohol. Remember that alcohol in the eyes hurts A LOT. Anyone whose eyes you get alcohol in will not be your friend.
Secondary treatments can include: spitting, blowing your nose, coughing up mucous (you don’t want to swallow these chemicals!), walking around with your arms outstretched, removing contaminated clothing and putting on new clothing, In fact, it is essential to shower and wash your clothes as soon as you are able.

WARNING: pepper spray can dry on your skin, and then get re-activated when you shower due to contact with moisture! See section below on how to get rid of pepper spray before you shower!

These chemicals are toxic, and will continually contaminate you and everyone around you until you get rid of it. Until then, try not to touch your eyes or your face, or other people, furniture, carpets etc. to avoid further contamination. Also rinse your washing machine in highest heat after you wash your clothes in them, to get rid of residue inside the machine.

Remember, it is only temporary, and our bodies are extremely strong and have detoxification mechanisms built in

8. Essential Protective Gear:

A bandanna soaked vinegar and tied tightly around the nose and mouth is a last resort. It is far better than nothing, but remember that it is merely a barrier and not a filter and so won’t do much for long-term protection. You can keep it soaking in a plastic bag until ready to use. Bring several, as multiple uses will render a bandanna as gassy as the air around you.

For protecting your eyes, swim goggles work well as they have a tight seal. Shatter-resistance is another nice quality for goggles to have. Most goggles have air holes to prevent fogging–fill these with epoxy (glue).

Covering these holes with duct tape can work in a pinch against an initial attack, though not for long term protection. Try them on with your respirator or bandana to ensure that they are compatible and that both will provide a tight seal.

You should be aware that whatever protection you choose will be visually quite powerful. Gas masks work the best; they also look quite scary and intimidating and can be alienating to others. They can however also make you a target of police violence. Think carefully about your impact on others when you decide how to protect yourself. Aim to wear the same kind of gear as a group, not just you as an individual. Strength in numbers.

We suggest that you trial your gear at home before you head out, to make sure you understand your protective mechanisms and are familiar with them, prior to entering the heat of action.

Here’s a tip I got from Palestinian demonstrators:

Smear lime fruit juice on the inside of any fabric which covers your mouth such as a scarf – anything you use to cover your mouth. This is claimed to remove all effects from the CS gas (tear gas) although I haven’t really tried it myself.

9. Improvised Gas Mask:

Find a bandana, or a rag: something to wrap around your head made of strong material.

Now find some charcoal. Smash up the charcoal. Soak the bandana/rag in water. Line one side of the bandana/rag with charcoal dust. Fold bandana/rag over and wrap around your nose and mouth.

10. Onions as Protection Against Tear Gas:

If you don’t have any vinegar or water-soaked bandanas, or may be around someone who doesn’t, carry an onion on you. If gassed, break it in half and sniff it, and get it close to your eyes….it greatly reduces the irritation in the eyes and nasal cavity. I Learned that from a photojournalist in Gaza.

Get each friend to carry an onion in their pocket before you head out.

11. How to Safely Get Rid of Pepper Spray – DO NOT APPLY WATER!

When dealing with OC sprays (Pepper Gas) you will find that they are activated and reactivated by water. In other words, even if you have let it dry on your skin you are still at risk to reactivation, if you were to get it wet again.
The safest way to remove contamination from the skin is to let the skin dry, dab with a dry cloth or fan the skin. Pending availability, products like baby shampoo can be applied to a contaminated area around eyes and face (it works even better if it is refrigerated prior to application) to provide temporary relief (also the drying of the shampoo will help remove a large amount of the loose capsaicin).

It’s not uncommon to feel unable to open your eyes.

When sprayed, I have found the quickest relief is to strobe your eyes to get tears flowing again. Once you can open your eyes and tear, stare for as long as you can bear letting the tears flow to clear your eyes as quickly as possible. The longer you keep your eyes shut and the longer you strobe your eyes the longer you will be contaminated. You want the body fluids in the mouth, nose and eyes to be running as much as possible (this is your bodies’ /body’s natural defense clearing itself out – work with it!).

What is capsaicin? From Wikipedia: Capsaicin is the active ingredient [derived from chilli peppers] in riot control and personal defense pepper spray chemical agents. When the spray comes in contact with skin, especially eyes or mucous membranes, it is very painful, and breathing small particles of it as it disperses can cause breathing difficulty, which serves to discourage assailants.

12. How to Safely Get Rid of Tear Gas – DO NOT APPLY WATER!

Do NOT wash your face with water if you suffer tear gas. You should not wet your skin: it increases the effect of the tear gas.

Instead, apply vinegar or lemon juice to the skin in order to get rid of the effect of the tear gas. Cloths with some apple vinegar or pure lemon juice are very useful in riots. You can press some lemon in a plastic bottle before going to the protest. So you can wet your mask with lemon juice (or vinegar), and it will decrease the effect of tear gas.

In case of old teargas

No water , yeast dissolved in water or cold water and soup while showering

13. How to Handle Tear Gas Canisters

The thick gloves used by construction workers are good to throw the tear gas cans back to the Basiji goons.
Warning: The tear gas cans are too hot to hold with bare hands!

14. Afterward, Wash Your Clothes As Soon As You Can

Wash your clothes as soon as possible because there are chemicals on those clothes!

Remember to eat well and sleep tight before going to a protest. If you smoke or take drugs, stop it before you go.

For your skin, a couple of boxes of Baking Soda will help in addition to regular soap with skin conditioners. Remember, the pepper spray is going to really get to your mucous membranes. Under your armpits, Crotch (sorry ladies, its going to burn like hell). The snot is going to pour out of your nose like someone turned on a fire hydrant and its going to burn the whole time. Your eye lids are going to swell up too. Use the Benadryl (Diphenhydramine hydrochloride ) for that.

If you eat tear gas, don’t use water – it makes everything worse. Use fresh lemon juice or vinegar instead.

15. Designed to Induce Panic – Stay Calm:

If you get hit by tear gas, or something worse, it will feel like you are unable to breathe. This is how it works, and is designed to work. You panic, and riots stop. The trick is to understand that while it feels like you are unable to breathe, you are actually breathing just fine. Tear gas doesn’t kill people unless they have a severe allergic reaction to it or have a medical condition/weakness already.

So try and remain calm. If you can, sit down in a place out of the way and just remind yourself that you are breathing. Getting rid of the panic eliminates a lot of the effectiveness of the anti-riot gas.

16. Conclusion:

Educate yourself about the tear gas and pepper spray challenge.

Print this page, and share it with all your friends. Stock up on cloths, goggles, vinegar/lemon juice, and water.

Some more info:



Tear Gas Dibenzoxazepine | CR GAS

Chemical weaponry was first used in the United States in the Civil War at the siege of Charleston. Wood was saturated with sulphur and burned under the parapets around the city hoping that favorable winds would propel huge clouds of choking smoke to drive out the defenders. French law enforcement is reputed to have been the first police organization to have used a chemical lachrymator (tear-producing) in a hand-thrown device. At the start of World War I (1914-1918) the French Army had limited stocks of hand and rifle grenades, loaded with a liquid tear-producing agent called Ethylbromacetate.

Agent CR (Dibenzoxazepine) is a potent sensory irritant. CR is the parent compound of Loxapine Succinate, an Anti-Psychotic drug. CR is usually disseminated in a liquid solution with a propylene glycol base. CRs physical properties are similar to those of CS, but CRs effects on the individual are more severe. In addition to affecting the eyes and respiratory tract, CR induces intense skin pain.

CR causes eye pain and excessive tearing. Slight edema to the eye lids may last for 2 to 6 hours. Skin pain and reddening are CR’s two main effects. Although burning sensation may last for 15 to 30 minutes, the reddening may persist for several hours. Areas of the skin previously exposed to CR may become painful again when exposed to water even after 24 hours or longer. CR, when entering the mouth, causes a burning sensation, excessive salivation, sore throat, and a mucous discharge from the nose.

CR appears to have a greater safety ratio than either CN or CS. However, CR is a relatively toxic agent and the mortal dose in a human subject is of the same order of magnitude as the other war gases. In a poorly ventilated environment an individual can inhale a fatal dose within minutes. Death results from asphyxiation associated with the development of pulmonary edema.

CR medical treatment is largely palliative (to lessen the severity without cure), and induces reassurance, removal of contaminated clothing, and washing of eyes and skin. Eye pain can be relieved with medications.


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Forgotten student in jail abandoned by police for five days

A student who was abandoned by police for five days in a prison cell without food or water was paid off by the U.S. government, $4 million in compensation.


Daniel Chong, a now 25-year-old college student in the southern Californian city of San Diego has won $4.1 million in compensation after he nearly died in a police cell last year.

In April 2012, Chong was swept up by Drug Enforcement Administration agents during a drug raid on a friend’s off-campus house. After a brief interview he was locked in a windowless holding cell 5×10 foot in size, with his hands cuffed behind his back, after being told that he would be released shortly without charge.

However, the DEA agents forgot about Chong and nobody returned to his cell for four-and-a-half days, leaving him without food or water. He said he tried to do everything possible to get attention – but without success. He started hallucinating on the third day.

“I didn’t just sit there quietly. I was kicking the door yelling,” he was quoted by the Associated Press news agency as saying.

“I even put some shoestrings, shoelaces through the crack of the door for visual signs. I didn’t stay still, no, I was screaming.”

At one point, Chong admitted, he thought he was going to die. He broke his eyeglasses by biting into them and tried to carve a “Sorry Mom” farewell message. He managed to finish an “S”.

By the time he was discovered in the cell, Chong was severely dehydrated, hallucinating, incoherent and suicidal. He was hospitalized for five days with kidney failure, cramps and a perforated esophagus.

“This was a mistake of unbelievable and unimaginable proportions,” his attorney Julia Yoo told CNN reporters. She confirmed that, as a result of the incident, the DEA had introduced new procedures including checking all cells daily and installing CCTV cameras inside them.


I’d say we still have an ongoing have issues in our system that is in need of review.

Maybe another example of those bad apples that represent the law enforcement field, that over shadow the smaller amount of good ones.

Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

via: onenewspage

Fundamentals of Orienteering – Parts of the Lensatic Compass

Today’s post is about the Lensatic compass.  This is a military style Cammenga compass and I lay out some of the parts below.  If you click on the image you should get a larger picture to look at.

There’s also a short video below that points out the various parts just to make sure you can see everything.


Orienteering series

Why Should I Learn Map Reading?

The Pace Count

The Pace Count 2

Using the Pace Count

Parts of the Lensatic Compass

Understanding the Topographic Map

Discussion of Grid and Magnetic Azimuths

Converting Azimuths


Start now to make sure you are staying prepared.

Via: shtfblog