Emergency Medical Supply

In the midst of a disaster, be it natural or man-made, there may come a time when a family member or neighbor will need medical attention.  Are you prepared for this?  What if the person needs stitches?  Do you know the appropriate suturing technique?  What about a dental emergency?  There is a long list of medical situations that many are not prepared to do.  When responding to a medical situation take the safety route by accessing the situation, environment and injured person.  Take precautions and wear protective equipment if necessary such as eye goggles and survival gloves.

Having Medical Information On Hand May Help Save A Life

Emergency safety books can be purchased in book stores, Red Cross Organizations and even online.  Having this information in your G.O.O.D Manual, 72 hour bag or survival supplies does not take up much space.  In fact, having a wide array of knowledge sources in the survival supplies is a key point in surviving a disaster.  Here are a few e-books that were found on this subject:

Familiarize Yourself With The Solutions

Some people cannot stand the sight of blood.  In the case of an emergency, they have no choice.  If a person is bleeding and needs help, action must be taken.  Sometimes, visibly seeing the process of what is involved can desensitize the person who would be administering the aid as well as teaching and preparing themselves more fully.  Find websites online such as www.firstaid.about.com that deal with first aid care and go through each injury to see what medical instruments and items are needed.  Make a list for supplies that can be added to the disaster medical supplies.  Watching medical videos online can assist in learning about medical techniques as well as desensitizing someone to open wounds.  For example, see the following links for a few medical demonstration videos found online.

First Aid Kits

When preparing a medical first aid kit, research what the advanced kits have and purchase the items from that kit  individually, if possible.  This will create a unique kit that is individualized for the people that will need it, as well as save money in the process.  Some kits are overloaded with items that may not be needed.  Additionally, think about how many people may need first aid from the kit.  If there are not enough medical supplies for everyone, it may be time to stock up on some additional items.   First aid kits can be used for the home as well as the car.  There are many websites online that carry the everyday first aid kit and advance up to the immediate response kits.  Websites such as www.thereadystore.com is a great website to start at.

Emergency Response Medicines

When an emergency situation arises, one must act calming and decisively.  In the case of a severe injury where there is a lot of blood loss, there must be supplies that can stop bleeding, cut the pain threshold and calm the patient if necessary.


Initially, if someone has an open wound, the first thing to do is to try and stop the bleeding.  Emergency responders are now carrying Celox.  Celox can instantly clot  and stops bleeding in 30 seconds.  Celox is made from a natural polymer extracted from shrimp shells called chitosan.

Celox bonds to the surface of red blood cells and platelets to produce a gel like clot or plug.  It works independently of the body’s normal clotting machanism and can clot hypothermic or even heparinised blood.

Removing celox from a wound is as easy as it is to put in the wound.  One can remove as much of the celox “plug” by hand and then irrigate it with water or a saline solution.  This would be an effective tool to have in any first aid supply.  This is something that could prolong a life long enough to save it.  Celox is available at www.celox.com as well as available on www.amazon.com.


When dealing with a painful injury, lidocaine can dull the area around the wound so that treatment can be made.  Many doctors offices and dentists use lidocaine on their patients to numb the area they would be working on.  Lidocaine is a local anesthetic (numbing medication) used topically on the skin or gums to reduce pain or discomfort.  Additionally, many use lidocaine to care for scratches, painful bug bites, and painful skin irritations such as poison ivy.  Use a small amount on the wound area as a little can go a long way.  If one uses too much there are overdose symptoms such as uneven heartbeats, seizure, coma, slowed breathing, or respiratory breathing.  There are different forms of using lidocaine such as pump sprays, gels, creams and powders.  Many of these forms are available on www.amazon.com.  Just do a little researching into the types that you would want.

As many are beginning to make lists to fully prepare for any number of emergency situations, questions are raised as to the how much one will need to be fully prepared.  People may ask themselves, “What plans do I have in place in case a disaster happens?”, “Will I be have enough supplies to last through the disaster?” or  “Will I have enough knowledge acquired to make a decisive action?”  Taking the necessary steps to prepare for a disaster depends on how long the estimated time the disaster will last.  Medical emergencies can occur at the drop of a hat, and having the necessary supplies can mean the difference between life and death.

The information provided is only to familiarize a person with the ideas of emergency medical response.  This post is intended to give suggestions of things one may do in an emergency medical situation and should not be construed as medical advice.  Getting someone to receive professional medical attention is by far the best thing to do.

Via: readynutrition

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